I like Messi like everybody else in this forum. Still we should be objective enough to say that his performance today was bad. The entire team was playing awfully. Messi had 5 brilliant seconds and decided the game, but that won't be enough against stronger opponents. The whole team and himselfnhave to improve a lot if they really want to play a role in the final games.
Someone should slap him and tell him hes not playing good enough.
Teamwise Messi has become bigger then any team he plays in and everyone is waiting for him to do everything.
Everyone passes to him, even if theres much better options.
Fantastic goal though, but thats not enough for a player like him.
I think he realizes his role is just to save the team now so he just walks until the team is in big trouble towards the end
The goal was amazing honestly, truly a special moment to witness. People will come here and say he didnt do anything, but I disagree, during the first half I was questioning him, but in the second half he improved, not by much, but he improved.
That goal was just amazing to watch.
Can't do it for Argentina.
He wasn't bad as people in the chat were saying, but for some periods of the game he disappeared. Maybe because all the argies were doing was crossing. Great goal. Aguero and higuain were terrible too.