10 - Lionel Messi - v3

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When I scored this goal, I couldn't imagine I could break any record, let alone this one previously held by the great Telmo Zarra. I was only able to achieve this because of the support I have had from so many people during my time here and I would like to dedicate this achievement to you all. Thanks for always being with me. I would also like to dedicate this to the people who are no longer with us anymore. I will never forget you. Thank you everyone for standing with me!




New member
Am I the only one completely underwhelmed by how weak the "celebration" was? I expected something like this, at least.


Or did I miss it?


Senior Member
Seismic day in footballing history.

Leo's scoring record will be one that we will not see broken in our lifetime.

I'm so happy for our boy, even more than the win. The fans chanting his name, the treatment he got from his teammates and the reception after the game. Wonderful, just wonderful. I know he's been going through a tough time, hopefully tonight helped alleviate some of the stress.


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My all time favorite player!

Love how all the guys share the joy, just look at Neymar haha, no jealousy anywhere. One of the things I love about Barca, the friendship among the players :)


Senior Member
Great to see him smiling again in that video along with the rest of the team breaking the record will.undoubtedly lift a lot of the pressure on him now roll on apoel till he gets another in the bag
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