10 - Lionel Messi - v5


Senior Member
You know a lot of times journalists and reporters try to bait an answer out of you. Something even you usually wouldn't say. They want a specific answer so they can use that. Biased outlets, reporters, journalists do that all the time. In fact everyone does it. I do it. You do it. I sometimes do it deliberately to be honest, but I got to. Trolls are legends at this game

In this case he could have just dodged the question. Said something like 'Messi is amazing and we're lucky to have him and guys like Iniesta, Suarez, Busquets, Neymar, Pique etc.

Some people are going to say 'Oh but that so easy to say in hindsight!'.

Don't fucking tell me that please. Don't do that. Don't make me cringe.

That's something so basic that you would expect a Relations Director to know that. Our coach does that a lot. He just dodges the question. Sometimes he replies when he has strong opinions about something, but if you ever listened to a Luis Enrique Press Conference then you would know that the guy is a master at dodging the question most of the time. Not falling to an obvious bait.

I think our directors, and this is from the Laporta era too so Laportistas don't use this against Rosellistas, are incredibly pathetic at this. They almost always do make some unnecessary comments. This might happen because we got too many executives. We've made up like a dozen positions and given it to former players or former La Masia members. Guys that perhaps aren't that well equipped or bright to understand the media and the game that is sometimes played.

I've literally not seen another club in recent times have people blurt out stupid things.

It's unbelievable.

I can agree with that. That is far off from an attack on Messi though. Bad PR probably.


San Claudio Bravo
I'll just say this.

These Barca management people supposedly worship at the altar of common sense, yet can't use common sense to answer simple questions in a satisfactory and non-inflammatory manner.

That speaks to either arrogance or incompetence.
I said a player can't win a game on his own. I didn't say he can't decide on his own a moment. But a game is not won or lost in a single moment, but in a lot of them. Take the game vs Madrid on Bernabeu in CL, many people say Messi won us that match on his own. Not true. Afellay has a very important role in the first goal, and without that role the goal doesn't come. In football, everyone contributes to a win, and everyone is at fault when we lose. The most you can say is that Messi is the most important player. Saying he wins games on his own is extreme and untrue, more of an emotional statement than a rational one.

No need to quote me if you don't address my quotes. Seriously, from taking away from even his freekicks, to forgetting you ever mentioned them even though directly quoted, to this.

And yes, Messi wins games on his own, more so than any other player, and more evidence of your bias.


Senior Member
You know a lot of times journalists and reporters try to bait an answer out of you. Something even you usually wouldn't say. They want a specific answer so they can use that. Biased outlets, reporters, journalists do that all the time. In fact everyone does it. I do it. You do it. I sometimes do it deliberately to be honest, but I got to. Trolls are legends at this game

In this case he could have just dodged the question. Said something like 'Messi is amazing and we're lucky to have him and guys like Iniesta, Suarez, Busquets, Neymar, Pique etc.

Some people are going to say 'Oh but that so easy to say in hindsight!'.

Don't fucking tell me that please. Don't do that. Don't make me cringe.

That's something so basic that you would expect a Relations Director to know that. Our coach does that a lot. He just dodges the question. Sometimes he replies when he has strong opinions about something, but if you ever listened to a Luis Enrique Press Conference then you would know that the guy is a master at dodging the question most of the time. Not falling to an obvious bait.

I think our directors, and this is from the Laporta era too so Laportistas don't use this against Rosellistas, are incredibly pathetic at this. They almost always do make some unnecessary comments. This might happen because we got too many executives. We've made up like a dozen positions and given it to former players or former La Masia members. Guys that perhaps aren't that well equipped or bright to understand the media and the game that is sometimes played.

I've literally not seen another club in recent times have people blurt out stupid things.

It's unbelievable.

You should follow Arsenal more.

Imagine the reaction towards renewing top players if Barto and co. said something along the lines of this:


Regardless, even if what Gratacós said was without malicious intent, internal club sources should never spark pointless debates in the media. Silly thing to do, we need to give our executives public speaking seminars. Maybe Lucho can take up that role when he leaves his coaching position.


Senior Member
Can someone post a summary/quote of what was said? I went back a few pages and I can't find anything. I'm also at work so I don't have the time to do extensive research


New member
Good fucking riddance. Without Messi, the team would be failing miserably this season. He's the reason everyone else is so good, not the other way around, and why name drop Iniesta and Neymar when both have been shit this season?


Senior Member
No need to quote me if you don't address my quotes. Seriously, from taking away from even his freekicks, to forgetting you ever mentioned them even though directly quoted, to this.

And yes, Messi wins games on his own, more so than any other player, and more evidence of your bias.

OK. I'm quoting you. Use your logic. Is Suarez obtaining a foul in a dangerous area one of the reasons why Messi scored that freekick? Yes or no answer please. Depending on what you answer I continue this or not.

No. Messi doesn't win games on his own. He decides MOMENTS in a game on his own. Totally true and never claimed otherwise. Other moments are decided for him by his teammates.


President of FC Barcelona
You should follow Arsenal more.

Imagine the reaction towards renewing top players if Barto and co. said something along the lines of this:


Regardless, even if what Gratacós said was without malicious intent, internal club sources should never spark pointless debates in the media. Silly thing to do, we need to give our executives public speaking seminars. Maybe Lucho can take up that role when he leaves his coaching position.

I guess I gave Arsenal too much credit. As pathetic as ever. Although at least he didn't say anything about a player of theirs. But this is quite bad.
OK. I'm quoting you. Use your logic. Is Suarez obtaining a foul in a dangerous area one of the reasons why Messi scored that freekick? Yes or no answer please. Depending on what you answer I continue this or not.

No. Messi doesn't win games on his own. He decides MOMENTS in a game on his own. Totally true and never claimed otherwise. Other moments are decided for him by his teammates.

Yes. Suarez gets about 1/30th of the credit, which is about the scoring rate for freekick takers. Using freekicks as an example of barcelona's specific contributions to Messi is still demented.

Messi doesn't wins games on his own. Ok.
Call it my "Depending on what you answer I continue this or not." moment.


Senior Member
Yes. Suarez gets about 1/30th of the credit, which is about the scoring rate for freekick takers. Using freekicks as an example of barcelona's specific contributions to Messi is still demented.

I didn't refer to freekicks in particular. That was a minor point in that post. But glad that you admited that Suarez had a part as well, even if it was a minor one.

Fact remains that it's faulty logic to say Messi can win games on his own, simply because there are many situations in a game, some of them very important, in which Messi has no role. Defending would be one of them, finishing would be another.

If Messi can win games on his own, then people wouldn't have bitched so much about Higuain missing those chances vs Germany and Chile, would they? In mean, Messi would take care of everything on his own, why does he need Higuain to score? Maybe because there are moments when Messi doesn't have any control over the outcome of a moment. And it is because of those moments that Messi can never win a game on his own, if his teammates do not help him do that.


Senior Member
what pisses me off about this entire thing is that Messi already has a Damaged reputation, but from the outside. Imagine we've managed to damage it even more from within. the club he loves so much.
If Messi can win games on his own, then people wouldn't have bitched so much about Higuain missing those chances vs Germany and Chile, would they?

It's embarrassing at this point. Just because Messi can win games alone doesn't mean he will do it every time it's needed. That is a phenomenally stupid thing to say. And you'll argue that Argentina vs Iran wasn't 99% Messi. Imo, you've lost all credibility in this discussion and i am done with it.


New member
Chill people, it's a good thing he got demoted. If you are that incompetent dealing with the media you shouldn't be on the job.

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