10 - Lionel Messi - V6


Senior Member
As good as he was last game. As shit he was tonight. Didnt look like a captain, when thinga dont go his/our way, he crumbles. Its not ballon d'or worthy, and for me he carries The biggest blame. The same happened in roma.
Im so tired of that attitude. But its not only that he didnt show effort, he played really bad: shooting, dribbling, positioning etc etc

He wasn't shit tonight, not even in the slightest, he created 3 chances and had multiple good runs.
He did more then enough to get barça through but had very little to work with.
Of all the players and coaches involved in this disaster he deserves least of the blame probably.
What the hell is the wrong with you?


New member
As good as he was last game. As shit he was tonight. Didnt look like a captain, when thinga dont go his/our way, he crumbles. Its not ballon d'or worthy, and for me he carries The biggest blame. The same happened in roma.
Im so tired of that attitude. But its not only that he didnt show effort, he played really bad: shooting, dribbling, positioning etc etc

He made 3 through balls for 3 golden opportunites. Alba, Suarez and Coutinho should've scored. Not to mention the ball he played to Dembele in the first leg, which SHOULD'VE been 4-0. Valverde and others ruined this. Alba with 2 terrible mistakes and that pathetic corner they scored, where everyone was asleep.


Senior Member
People always blame Messi when we lose. They expect him to have wonder matches every single game. He had a good game, created a number of chances, had a few decent efforts, passed the ball well, dribbled the ball well for the most part. You can't expect miracles from him every game.... especially when he's nearly 32. And should he need to give you a miracle match when we're 3-0 up?


New member
Maybe hes oper but I remember him being much more involved in the game. However this does not excuse the fact that he has trouble scoring away. Dembele is another f**k up from this board along with coutinho. Imagine paying so much money for a guy who occasionally scores a blooter and a winger that cant score. Incredible
He has trouble scoring because our MF is literally good for nothing. Ever since Iniesta and Xavi faded, we are relying on Messi to get for the ball and take it upfront...you cant expect him to score like he did when he played with competent MF and as false 9. He is burdened by absolutely massive responsability duo to retard on bench.

"Lets play with 3 slow DMFs and wait for Messi spark of genius". "Oh shit retards didnt convert 3 chances messi put on plater for them? Hopefully he scores if not he is fraud".
Piers Morgan: Barcelona would never have lost if ronaldo was playing #GOAT. This tweet is getting a lot of likes on twitter and is all over my twitter feed.

I’m not sure who this piers Morgan is exactly but he has a lot of followers.

I told you. Messi will get the blame.

Valverde deserves to do a walk of shame around the city of Barcelona naked.

Messi gets the blame and Valverde gets nothing.

Sick of this shit.

Sick of Valverde. Sick of seeing his stupid face



Wild Man of Borneo
Every single shot we had to day was either taken by him or created by him. He was the only offense we had, period.

Rakitic, Vidal, Alba, Suarez all did fucking nothing..

Anyone who blames him is a fucking ingrate. Wtf is he supposed to do when the team plays like they are literally drowning underwater and can't string 1-2 good passes together under pressure, can't play out the back.

My heart fucking hurts.


Senior Member
I blamed him the previous seasons when we lost because he did literally nothing but in this case let's be serious, we didn't lost because of his lack of leadership, we lost because valverde is a massive moron and in 2019 when the rhythm and pace go crazy we still play with a bunch of overrated zombies. In a fucking semifinal of CL 2 goals and several chances created for his teammates should be good enough to win comfortable the tie.


New member
The captaincy at FC Barcelona is a lost cause.

You’re looking at a club that made Messi, Pique, Busi and ROBERTO captain.

To answer your question, no, there isnt a single player who is worthy of a leadership armband.

The last one who was worthy was Xavi.

No surprise we won a treble when we had a leader as manager (Lucho) and a leader as Team Captain (Xavi)

Oh! Xavi was the Captain?.... How about our disgraceful exit against Atletico Madrid in CL quarters; The team performance was more or less the same; We looked out of sorts!! No lack of energy or desire/intensity... Out of options....
The sole reason was Martino before Lucho! He was as dumb as Valverde...


Anyone blaming Messi for this loss is completely clueless.He gave everything this year and could have had 2-3 assists today.All the team collapsed after the second goal,you can't expect him to dribble past 10 defenders and score.

Messi was directly was directly involved in all eight of Barcelona's shots tonight against Liverpool:

• 5 shots attempted
• 3 chances created


Senior Member
He had a lot to blame tbh, could have put the game to bed early on. But overall best player of the whole tie from both teams.


Just rewatched that chance in the first half and he really did fuck that up. He’s clean through all he has to do is shoot with his right foot and for some reason he lets the defender come back by stopping and then tries to dribble him.

Then again we probably still would have found a way to lose 5-1, Valverde would have found a way.


New member
The problem is that it's become the norm to expect him to carry this unreasonable burden. Instead of identifying the underlying problem and fixing it we have essentially become more and more lazy with addressing it. This duty mainly belongs to the manager. To make matters worse Messi is good enough that he basically takes that extra burden. Can't create open play chances, fine free kicks then. Can't find positions to shoot from, fine dribble through and keep laying it on a plate till eventually, someone doesn't mess it up. This can work most of the time but not all the time. Instead of Messi being the icing on top, we have essentially sprinkled bread crumbs on icing and are calling it a cake.

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