11/12 Lliga: Real Madrid - FC Barcelona 1-3


New member
Feel like i let barca down earlier tonight :( I could not see us winning .... i put us down for a 1 - 1 draw.

This fantastic team had me jumping up and down in the middle of the pub :worthy: Iniesta was out of this world WELL DONE BARCA
Never will i doubt them again.


The Messiah
Puyol was in beast mode for this game
For the people that thought he's done, think again.



When we scored that second goal by Xavi, I swear I was so happy I felt I got an heartattack of it. No joke! There´s something about scoring against them that does something to me, lol! This was the best game I´ve seen in quite a while, because this win meant so much to us! If we´d lost this game, then Madrid would´ve won the leauge, no doubt. But we´re Barça! We never give up without a fight!
We showed Madrid who we are today, I am proud to be a culé.
Visca el Barça y visca el catalunya!!!


Generally Delightful
:rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1::rofl1: at the people who started to lose face at halftime.

Before the game I was nervous. After the first minute I was a wreck but then it became pretty obvious that Barca dominated the game.

3-1 at the Bernabau? Shows that we're still a mile ahead of Madrid.


Generally Delightful
What??? I thought we are behind by 6 points since everyone said we were gonna be 9 points behind if we lost this one.

It depends on if RM wins their next game. But no, we're level now but if RM does win their next game they'll have a 3 point lead. Still, no worries. The worst is over, next we'll face them at Nou.

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