Now, there is a big difference in calling someone "fatty" or "big headed" to get under their skin and calling someone a "monkey" or "semite" for instance.
Good demonstration of what a retard you are. Neither of the words you mentioned are slurs.
perharps you haven't gone out of your comfort zone in your home country to have a wider perspective of the universe or you chose to completely emasculate your thinking with bigotry
I've been called all sorts of slurs and at some point bullied in a manner that what they did to Vinpussy is literally NOTHING. Still, i don't give a shit and would never imagine thinking that people, who did this to me shoul've been prosecuted for crime. Only miserable faggots, whose lives are ultra comfortable, coddled and uneventful would come to such stupid and politically dangerous, pro-totalitarian idea.
One leads to a psychological detrimentation while the other is considered a dangerous social crime that often leads to xenophobic and despicable consequences on humanity as we read about dueing the holocaust, Japan-China war, Baltic wars, etc.
100% of policies are decided by elites and has nothing to do with commoners swearing. On the other hand, the historical precedence of people being put in jail for saying wrong words have been tied to brainless humanoids like you being driven to fanatical frenzies and supporting political regimes like soviets Russia, maoist China and other, mostly leftist states.
If you want swearing to be crime then need to be at least consequent and not just hinge on your negro/jew worship conditioned into you by current woke politics and media brainwashing. Nobody is being scrutinized, let alone being considered criminal for publicly shitting on "whites", "christians" or any other non woke leftoid regime protected group. When i see all the jews shitting on white people on the internet being put under police scrutiny, then we talk.
Even more harrowing example is, when some pricks mocked Luis Enrique about his late daughter. Can you imagine what happened to these guys? NOTHING, despite it was a harassment 1000 times more malicious and painful than what they did to Vinipussy. You didn't give a fuck, because no negro/jew was screaming bloody murder to white knight for, so fuck off of your holier than though diatribes.