23 - Jules Kounde


Senior Member

He is shaky as always.

Sell on summer for sure, I am tired of this ball playibg CB's that can't defend.


Kounde's dribbling choices makes one miss the glorious days of Sergino Dest.
Dest at least had acceleration. Kounde is slow like a ballerina, the was he dresses reflects the way he plays. Sloppy, no fighting attitude, No positional awareness. Literally misses everything a good defender should have. I have no idea why Xavi ist playing him day in day Out. Put the young boys in there I swear they cant do worse. Season ist over, put the youth out there and let them learn for the future....


Senior Member
Awful player with low IQ. If he was at least athletic and fast beast, it could be compensated, but he's also slow and disoriented all the time. Like he's been partying before night. Constantly looses his marked man and rarely blocks crosses/shots or at least keeps up with the runner in the correct defensive stance to make them difficulties. In attack he just slowly drags the ball forward, doesn't see any options, is unaware of pressing, gets in panic mode and pushes the ball to closest teammate he sees with his tunnel vision (usually Yamal) in completely inappropriate way causing counterattacks. Him and Raphina should be first to get rid off. Oriol of course, but this even Xavi understands so no brainer.


Senior Member
Try to sign Hermoso for 'free' and 25m odd for Cancelo and then try to ship out Kounde/Christensen for 90/100m.

Harsh on Christensen as been good last season at CB but need the money in to improve team.


Senior Member
Too highly paid to keep for what he brings, which is mostly mistakes. we should sell and try to get a good price.

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