24 - Eric García


Active member
Nothing new here, he isn?t a defender but plays as center back. This will happen again and again and again

So true. He should only play against teams that are unable to mount any offense. Luckily, this leaves half the teams in La Liga.

Except for his inability to play one on one defence, he is an ideal Barca CB.


Senior Member
for me he's just too soft to play CB, i hope xavi gives him a try at busi's position.

He's not soft (a guy like Bartra is), Garcia has plenty of fight. He's just physically weak.

Also, I don't want to sound arrogant (I will), but people who think he can play DM are clueless.


Senior Member
Passing from DM is totally different to passing from CB.

As a CB you are facing the pitch and don't need to scan behind you for passing options or for opponents coming from behind, you are just passing forward and have a view of the entire field. For DM you need to have a '360' view of the pitch, for options behind you and for opponents pressing you from the side or behind, and generally have to release much quicker.


His passing is crisp should be played as DM...

I was hoping that one of FDJ or Nico would take Busy's duty for the future but they proved me wrong. Now, I hope Xavi tries Garcia as a defensive midfielder and if he fails again, then we should pack and send him somewhere else.


Senior Member
So arrogant and yet so stupid .. he has absolutely zero positive defensive capabilities.

Currently there are quite some players to be frustrated with but nobody pisses me off more than this useless midget.

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