5 - Carles Puyol


Cruijff's Heir
This man is a hero. So glad my first Barcelona jersey was one with #5 and Puyol on the back :wub: Still wear it every match we play!


New member
This man is a hero. So glad my first Barcelona jersey was one with #5 and Puyol on the back :wub: Still wear it every match we play!

My first barca-jersey had Figo on the back... needless to say, I don't wear that one much.

About Puyol, the man is a beast. I wouldn't be surprised if he beats Pique to his comeback.


Well-known member
Puyol is really a beast, he always comes back quickly from injuries and gives 200% everytime he is on the pitch, the perfect captain as well in my eyes, there are not many leaders like him out there currently, hope he is back soon.


New member
Isnt it interesting how everyone (Pique, Villa, Cuenca, Adriano and others), always needed more time than expected to come back from the injury, while Puyol always, ALWAYS comes back sooner then expected. And to think he's the oldest one of them all. I really expect this guy to play at least 5 more years!! Now thats a Captain!


Well-known member
Isnt it interesting how everyone (Pique, Villa, Cuenca, Adriano and others), always needed more time than expected to come back from the injury, while Puyol always, ALWAYS comes back sooner then expected. And to think he's the oldest one of them all. I really expect this guy to play at least 5 more years!! Now thats a Captain!
Thats cause he works extremely hard and has a great mentality.


Senior Member



Mike the Knife
Stop, I'm getting weepy...Damn I miss Puyol

Update: Won't make it for Mallorca but MD says he will be medically cleared in a week and available for Zaragoza on 17/11/2012
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Senior Member
Henrik Larsson just credded Puyol in an interview here :)

Part of it.
"Training or Match, he always goes in 100%, he had no selfperserverance, its about pride, pride of beeing catalan and a barcelona player. Its a previlige to have experianced that"

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