7 - Ferran Torres


President of FC Barcelona
We desperately need him to have a great World Cup so we can ship him somewhere in January.


Senior Member
I don't get why he even started.

The man played zero minutes before today and it showed. His touches and passing were way off and it killed some potential chances.


Senior Member
Hope this performance was because he missed preseason. Needs to step up, both his link up play and movement were bad tonight.


Senior Member
Xavi didn't wanna risk aubameyang
Fati's fitness
Raphinha bad game to start, he has to change something up front and he's ahead of depay, who were are also trying sell.

So he was the only/logically choice.


Well-known member
Apparently Ferran started over Ansu because the former did extremely well in practice.

Xavi keeps making excuses for this useless player.

Performances on the pitch from last season dont mean squat then, and no matter how crap Ferran continue to be in matches he will probably keep getting starts over Ansu (or Raphinha).

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