7 - Philippe Coutinho - V1


New member
We could spend 150m on Coutinho and not go bankrupt. You'd give this argument even if we hadn't spent 40m each on players like Gomes, Arda, and Paulinho.

He's massively overpriced, just as Dembele was, but bringing him in is more important than that, especially since we just had a massive influx of money from Neymar.

The guy is saying any price. Any price does not mean 150m last time I checked. I also feel people are hyping up Coutinho too much. He'll never be a ballon d'or candidate. Just to get that out of the way right now.


Senior Member
In Fabinho we get 3 players in one; CM, DM and RB. Hell, he has the tools to be a good CB as well, at least in a 3-man line. I dont think we are fine in all these areas.

We already signed Paulinho and we will have to deal with that whether we like it or not. And S.Roberto play same positions as Fabinho so getting him could risk Roberto wanting out.
May be if we didn't sign Paulinho it would have made sense but right now he is a player we are 100% we aren't getting (don't shoot the messenger) so it is more of Lemar vs Coutinho argument, no need to insert Fabinho in it


New member
Whether you rate paulinho or not the fact is he's here and it makes no sense to buy Fabinho as a box to box player as Roberto and Paulinho already fill that role.

As for the right back role we just spent a lot of money on Semedo to be a starter so I don't see the sense in buying Fabinho.

I think Fabinho is a good player but for the roles he plays the squad already has players occupying those spots.

You are the one hyping up Paulinho even though he isnt good enough, and there is a lot of sense in having a midfielder like Fabinho who can also cover numerous other positions. Having a match fit player who can play both DM and RB is very valuable. If Fabinho is available, we should grab that chance, even if it means you wont get to see much of your Paulinho.


New member
We already signed Paulinho and we will have to deal with that whether we like it or not. And S.Roberto play same positions as Fabinho so getting him could risk Roberto wanting out.
May be if we didn't sign Paulinho it would have made sense but right now he is a player we are 100% we aren't getting (don't shoot the messenger) so it is more of Lemar vs Coutinho argument, no need to insert Fabinho in it

It goes to show what type of quality we can get with less money than what Coutinho can go for. A highly versatile amazing midfielder plus a successor to Iniesta. I dont see the point in giving that up to please Paulinho and his fan base.

God Serena

New member
The guy is saying any price. Any price does not mean 150m last time I checked. I also feel people are hyping up Coutinho too much. He'll never be a ballon d'or candidate. Just to get that out of the way right now.

I would pay any price as well. 150m is the price that it won't exceed. And I don't recall anyone claiming Coutinho will win a balon d'or. You do know that not every star player gets that award, right? Him coming would be a massive boost for our squad and that's all we're really after.

Besides, Fabinho is going to PSG, so there's no point in even discussing his usefulness here.


New member
Meh, has any1 seen Klopp talk about PC before? He has been saying for the last 2 weeks it's the owner's words, i.e. the Letter that he is not for sale at any cost.


New member
I would pay any price as well. 150m is the price that it won't exceed. And I don't recall anyone claiming Coutinho will win a balon d'or. You do know that not every star player gets that award, right? Him coming would be a massive boost for our squad and that's all we're really after.

Besides, Fabinho is going to PSG, so there's no point in even discussing his usefulness here.

Fabinho has been going to PSG for three weeks now. As long as nothing is official I dont see the point in rejecting that idea.

You claim that 150m is "any price"?


High Definition Member
You are the one hyping up Paulinho even though he isnt good enough, and there is a lot of sense in having a midfielder like Fabinho who can also cover numerous other positions. Having a match fit player who can play both DM and RB is very valuable. If Fabinho is available, we should grab that chance, even if it means you wont get to see much of your Paulinho.

If you're saying that Fabinho should have been bought instead of Paulinho I'd have agreed with you, he has youth, quality and versatility. Still the reality is that Paulinho is here, so it makes no sense to have three players for one role in the team. Also Fabinho is too good to play a backup right back role and wouldn't accept it.

It's just not a necessary transfer when you consider the current state of the squad.


Senior Member
Pay any price for Coutinho because he is he only target? What kind of argument is that? You're ready to bankrupt the club even? Forget that nonsense. Coutinho for any price should be a big no no.


Let me break it down for you further so you can understand: Pay any amount of money available from the transfer funds for this fiscal year to finance the transfer.

Obviously, using common sense, one could conclude my previous statement didn't imply liquidating the club.


New member
If you're saying that Fabinho should have been bought instead of Paulinho I'd have agreed with you, he has youth, quality and versatility. Still the reality is that Paulinho is here, so it makes no sense to have three players for one role in the team. Also Fabinho is too good to play a backup right back role and wouldn't accept it.

It's just not a necessary transfer when you consider the current state of the squad.

Of course Fabinho would easily knock out any of our current midfielders and be a starter. The point is that he would ALSO offer us great quality backup as RB and DM when needed, which would prove very useful. Of course he would accept that. Very useful transfer. Shame we would see less of your Paulinho but thats a small price to pay.


New member

Let me break it down for you further so you can understand: Pay any amount of money available from the transfer funds for this fiscal year to finance the transfer.

Obviously, using common sense, one could conclude my previous statement didn't imply liquidating the club.

Transfer funds for this fiscal year? What does that even mean? We are always very flexible with this as proven summer after summer. And especially after the Neymar funds. They already went crazy with the 40m Paulinho madness. Coutinho for any price would mean a madness fee which could later prove to be the cause of our bankruptcy.


Senior Member
We have three days left in the transfer window, we're not establishing new targets and entering negotiations at this stage. Since we are fixed on Coutinho, if there is any chance that Liverpool would want 130-150m. Then pay it.


New member
We have three days left in the transfer window, we're not establishing new targets and entering negotiations at this stage. Since we are fixed on Coutinho, if there is any chance that Liverpool would want 130-150m. Then pay it.

130m euros? Thats a pipe dream at this point and far from "any price". Its also too early to conclude that "establishing new targets" is needed. Sometimes we negotiate without any big media hype and the player is signed more out of the blue.


Senior Member
Transfer funds for this fiscal year? What does that even mean? We are always very flexible with this as proven summer after summer. And especially after the Neymar funds. They already went crazy with the 40m Paulinho madness. Coutinho for any price would mean a madness fee which could later prove to be the cause of our bankruptcy.

150m is not a madness fee at this point. It's a necessity. You can pretend we are playing Football Manager and we should go after this player or that player. That's not what is happening right now. Right now we have 3 days left to sign a midfielder and the personnel at our club are going all in for Coutinho.

That's the reality. Either you accept that we pay a huge amount and get him or get no one.


New member
150m is not a madness fee at this point. It's a necessity. You can pretend we are playing Football Manager and we should go after this player or that player. That's not what is happening right now. Right now we have 3 days left to sign a midfielder and the personnel at our club are going all in for Coutinho.

That's the reality. Either you accept that we pay a huge amount and get him or get no one.

150m is not "any price". Thats the same as Dembele. You are the one who claim that you are in the know about what is going on. Lets wait and see. It would be incredibly stupid of our board to not have any backup at all but you claim this is the reality? Do you have any inside information?

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