7 - Philippe Coutinho - V1


Senior Member
it depends on Coutinho himself. if he continues with the silent approach he'll be stuck there next season. 4 days left, he needs to express his desire to leave publicly. going by what i've heard regarding his personality i don't think he'll kick up the fuss needed to get his transfer here

shitface better have a plan b :bartomeu:


President of FC Barcelona
Or we can sign Naby Keita for 50m next year if he has another fantastic season.

You're absolutely right. But I think there's a crucial difference. Van Dijk was always available for sale for the right price. Southampton got pissed because clubs tried to stop it becoming an auction.

With Coutinho the issue seems to be timing. He gave his word to Klopp that he was staying and went back on it two months later. If he'd said he was going two months earlier, I suspect he would have got his wish.

But he won't now.

We sent our first offer the 15th of July and they told us to fuck off.

That's not very early, but not late either. I doubt they would have sold him even if we made an offer Late-June.

Tepid water

New member
Or we can sign Naby Keita for 50m next year if he has another fantastic season.

We sent our first offer the 15th of July and they told us to fuck off.

That's not very early, but not late either. I doubt they would have sold him even if we made an offer Late-June.
It was too late for Klopp. He was already half way through preseason.

He's a damned difficult player to replace, so I guess he has a pint. With Klopp, I suspect the issue is that he gave his word to him that he was staying and he intends to hold him to it.
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New member
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="es" dir="ltr">La actualidad del <a href="https://twitter.com/FCBarcelona_es">@FCBarcelona_es</a> con <a href="https://twitter.com/Alfremartinezz">@Alfremartinezz</a>: "Fuentes de la junta directiva me dicen que van a cerrar el fichaje de Coutinho".</p>— El Transistor (@ElTransistorOC) <a href="https://twitter.com/ElTransistorOC/status/901943335551688704">August 27, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Coutinho is very close.


Senior Member
Not surprising, going by Klopp's words today, it seems plausible.

Spend whatever money is required. Any price right now is worth removing the weight of the world that rests on Leo's shoulders.


New member
Not surprising, going by Klopp's words today, it seems plausible.

Spend whatever money is required. Any price right now is worth removing the weight of the world that rests on Leo's shoulders.

Any price for Coutinho is stupid. We can get both Thomas Lemar and Fabinho for less than some fantasy sum for Coutinho.

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