7 - Philippe Coutinho - V1


Senior Member
"The management had a terrible failure and lied to the fans, Barca is now lost because of the directives encouraging the fans with false promises through the press, Everything we reported is from them, We didn't come up with anything by ourselves, Their are known journalists that reported the same news, And in the end it's a real failure of the management.
I'll keep working the same way, I'll never change, Yes sometimes the sources are truthful, And sometimes they're not, But they're sources from barca's management.
To be frank, I don't care what will be said, I'll just say to you to look for the one responsible inside the club, I didn't come up with anything just from my head, But from sources inside barca, Who failed, And what a failure that was.
I just like to remind some that i could've used generic words that doesn't confirm or deny anything, But i like to do my job and get close to the decision makers, Which if they choose to lie, That's their concern, But i challenge anyone at FC barcelona to accuse me of making up news without it coming directly from them.
Now let them carry their true failure, And those who want to vent themselves through me then i don't have a problem, But be certain that i report what they tell me, Weather they are lies or truths."

In summary, He's very pissed and accusing people inside our management of feeding him with lies.

im away from my pc and i can t stress myself typing a lot with this small ass phone.
in short the guy says :
" the board failed big time and lied to the fans. Barca is lost because of a board prone to lying in order to excite the fans, using the media. we have reported many things through the media, and so did some well established journalists. at the end of the day, this is a failure of the board.

i will continue to do my work the same way, yes, sometimes reports are going to be accurate, other times not, but the source of the reports come from whithin the club.

i dont care what you will say about me, go look for the real culprit, i dont have the 220 millions and i never made things up, it all came from the club.
i coukd have used the wood language but im passionate about my job, and i challenge any stuff member from the club to accuse me of mading things up whitout consulting them.
now it s up to them to step forward and assume their failure.i cant be a scapegoat.


I've never seen anything like this.


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No idea what this says in the text image but in his tweet he says something about the board lying.

He basically went over these points:

1- The board failed big time

2- The board lied to their fans through the media and reporters

3- I didn't make anything up. I got all the information directly from the board. Sometimes this information is right, other times it isn't.

4- I could have used my usual terminology when talking about transfers (he usually doesn't confrm nor deny any transfers until they happen or he's 100% sure) but instead I opted to get closer to those who make the decisions at Barca

5- I challenge anyone from Barca to accuse me of making up stories, because they know they are the ones responsible for spreading these lies

6- Now they (Barca's board) will take responsibility for their failure

EDIT: Ok nevermind, Total-football beat me to it


I hope journalists are fed up with the board and publicize the hell out of the motion of censure. They may want the board out as much as we do now.


Active member
im away from my pc and i can t stress myself typing a lot with this small ass phone.
in short the guy says :
" the board failed big time and lied to the fans. Barca is lost because of a board prone to lying in order to excite the fans, using the media. we have reported many things through the media, and so did some well established journalists. at the end of the day, this is a failure of the board.

i will continue to do my work the same way, yes, sometimes reports are going to be accurate, other times not, but the source of the reports come from whithin the club.

i dont care what you will say about me, go look for the real culprit, i dont have the 220 millions and i never made things up, it all came from the club.
i coukd have used the wood language but im passionate about my job, and i challenge any stuff member from the club to accuse me of mading things up whitout consulting them.
now it s up to them to step forward and assume their failure.i cant be a scapegoat.

I wouldnt be surprised if this is true. Thats sad.....
I hope journalists are fed up with the board and publicize the hell out of the motion of censure. They may want the board out as much as we do now.

there were actually many journalists from Barcelona who thought that it was better not sign anybody than to overpay for players. I'm sure that's what the board will say tomorrow. They know Barca is desperate, so they are trying to milk the cow as much as possible. Let's give a chance to our cantera players until January. I think we will be ok, but we deff need signings for the later part of the season, b.c that's when everything is at play.
there were actually many journalists from Barcelona who thought that it was better not sign anybody than to overpay for players. I'm sure that's what the board will say tomorrow. They know Barca is desperate, so they are trying to milk the cow as much as possible. Let's give a chance to our cantera players until January. I think we will be ok, but we deff need signings for the later part of the season, b.c that's when everything is at play.

Good luck signing anyone good who isn't cup tied in January.
Good luck signing anyone good who isn't cup tied in January.

That's true. But I do believe there is gotta be good talent out there. We were so close to signing Isco and Asensio while most people didn't know them, we must make a similar effort this time and make the right choices. There is a lot of talent in South America, and also alot of talent in Spain. We were so close to signing Asensio when we was unknown to most football fans. I don't think Barca would have won the CL even if Coutinho came along.

We still have players like Semedo and Dembele who will probably take a little while to grow and adapt to the team. I would be more than happy winning la liga this season, and creating a competitive team to win both la liga and CL next season. We must not become too desperate, b.c that's when mistakes are made. You win la liga, you hurt madrid.

Tepid water

New member
160 million straight up is ridiculous money for any player, too much for Coutinho. Besides Coutinho isn't the central midfielder like a lot of people say we need. He's more an attacking midfielder/playmaker.
The issue is not missing out on Coutinho but insisting buying this player when he wasn't available for a realistic fee and then failing to properly look at alternatives.

And no one ever offered that much money for the player.

There were no negotiations with liverpools. None. Not one.

It wasn't a game, it wasn't a way of trying to get a bigger bid. They didnt want to sell.

That MD has printed utter lies tells you that either they have been lying or the club have lied to them. Both could be true as they both have a reputation for this.... One thing we can gather is that Liverpool certainly don't have a reputation for lying, so we know where the lies come from...

Weeks wasted on a player that was never available .... and perhaps the board always knew that
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there were actually many journalists from Barcelona who thought that it was better not sign anybody than to overpay for players. I'm sure that's what the board will say tomorrow. They know Barca is desperate, so they are trying to milk the cow as much as possible. Let's give a chance to our cantera players until January. I think we will be ok, but we deff need signings for the later part of the season, b.c that's when everything is at play.

I'm talking about the lies the board spread all the time to manipulate the fans. Two days ago all the reliable, Tier 1 journalists reported 160M for Coutinho is done, and the info came directly from the board. They Lied!!
We all knew we needed a WC midfielder this season, and what did they do? sing a 29 y/o Paulinho from the Chinese league. Are you kidding me? Fabricating all these stories about Verratti but they never even bid for him. Losing Neymar to a CL rival without a proper replacement in place, even if the players already knew from June he's gonna go.
And what Cantera players? Almost all the players from the B team are mercenaries, all of our talents are leaving us, Alena won't play more than 90 min for the main team this year. Or are you talking about Roberto, Rafinha or Denis? Sorry they're not good enough, maybe as subs, but not at a level required by Barca's main team standards.
The funny thing is that we're going to get saved by Messi again, and we're going go to the second place, Copa del Rey is the only shot at a trophy this season, only if the King turns big against Real but it's very probable we're gonna lose that too.


Culé de Celestial Empire
That Archraf guy sounds really pissed. I think he took himself too seriously. He is not a prophet, so what he was wrong? Is he worried about losing credibility or something?


New member
That Archraf guy sounds really pissed. I think he took himself too seriously. He is not a prophet, so what he was wrong? Is he worried about losing credibility or something?

I would be pretty pissed as well if insiders of Barca were feeding me bullshit info tbh.


New member
It's a shame this forum is in English cause I can't even find the words to express how pissed I am. Bartomeu you pos.


While you are right with the board, I can't agree with the pessimistic future. The team isn't bad at all. Of course we don't have Xavi and Iniesta at their peaks, but that has been the case for a couple of years now. Sure we have to improve the midfield. The main issue last season wasn't the players inability, it was a lack of creativity. We lost many points against many mediocre and weak teams which cost us the league. We have a new coach, new motivation and the team has no to work their asses of. We improved the squad with at least Semedo and we'll see if Dembele will succeed or if he needs two years to adapt. Can't judge Paulinho yet, because I don't know much about him.For our younger players like Sergi, Gomes and Denis this season is a chance to shine. Maybe their last one at the club. Copa is possible, la liga is possible and for CL you always need a lucky punch.

Transfer situation won't change anyway. All teams know that we need to replace Iniesta and at least another decent midfielder unless one of you the youngsters is going crazy. So they either won't sell anyway or way overprized.

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