8 - Pedri


Senior Member
This guys is growing on me.. Looks so composed under pressure in tight spaces and is only 17.


Senior Member
He adds so much with his creativity and ball control, what a player. If he plays from the start, we win this game. Should have shot when he had the chance though ffs.

Yea, Koeman was pissed about that. It's incredible how we are in a good shooting positions and we don't shoot.


Senior Member
Yea, Koeman was pissed about that. It's incredible how we are in a good shooting positions and we don't shoot.

As a guy with one of the best longshots ever in the game, I hope Koeman can convey when to try and have a shot to the squad- especially those who can shoot well but choose not to because of player pressure.

Btw if you look through Pedri highlights with Las Palmas you will see a goal or two from good long distance shots.


Senior Member
Don?t get the hate.

Just went through the highlights and the guy impressed yet again. So what if he didn?t take the shot in 1-2 situations, he did well. Looked like he played in midfield also, who was subbed off In Favor of him


Senior Member
He reads this thread. Had two good shots last night, unlucky not to score. Overall not as good and sharp with his passing as in previous games but inconsistency is expected with players his age and it's hard to blame him when a whole team is not on expected level.



Senior Member
Him and Dest look like they stayed up all night playing videogames and absolutely hate playing football. But talent wise, absolute cracks.


New member
Imagine if he keeps getting better... Hope he doesn't go to shit randomly like a lot of our players have last few years

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