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- can't do football related charity work
This one is really stupid.
Suarez will sign the contract on wednesday and his presentation plans have been postponed indefinitely.
- can't do football related charity work
I just want the ban to be as hard as possible.He should feel the pain.He has done it 3 times.He needs good lesson to not do it for the fourth.Just imagine if he does it again.He could be banned for a season.
Erm...... Yeah.... Cool.
Ban him for 4 months from playing, but banning him from training, entering stadium, using any sort of club facilities or official communication with the club, even watching amateur matches in stadiums.....
What he did was wrong, but these conditions in his ban is as ridiculous as his bite. If you want Suarez to learn then you need him to actually learn and rehablitate and the best way to do that is with the club, not by getting shunned out and left to frustration.
As for wanting him to feel painI don't want him to feel pain, I want him to learn and understand. Wanting him to feel pain is a bit vile, don't you think?
How many games will he miss?
Luis Suarez's 4-month ban means he won't be able to play until 25 October. He will miss 9 Liga games and 3 CL games.How many games will he miss?
What are the chances of CAS reducing the ban?
He shouldn't get the ban reduced. He BIT someone for the THIRD time ffs.