9 - Luis Suárez - v1

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Maybe the defender said nothing to him all game and Suarez reacted as not playing all that well......making up scenarios is pointless just to protect a player you like really.

Dont even have that big an issue with Suarez doing it as loads of players do it but he is taking a risk and it doesnt need to be justified as almost being the fault of the defender.

I understand your point but Suarez hasn't really been doing this kind of things recently so something had to be there for me which ofcourse doesn't make it defenders fault.


Senior Member
I understand your point but Suarez hasn't really been doing this kind of things recently so something had to be there for me which ofcourse doesn't make it defenders fault.

Even if there was the defender winding him up I would bet anything Suarez had been giving it just as much to him and maybe even started it.

Could just as easily say how many times have players done this to the Valencia player? So it must be Suarez who is the trouble maker.


Even if there was the defender winding him up I would bet anything Suarez had been giving it just as much to him and maybe even started it.

Could just as easily say how many times have players done this to the Valencia player? So it must be Suarez who is the trouble maker.

Regular day in the office for both, as I said.

Am not going to argue here, you'll probably mindf**k me to death and I need to put my mind on an essay anyway.


Devil May Cry
Suarez scars.


Senior Member
Lol that is so fucking embarrassing from Abdennour.

Crying about a few scratches over social media.

What a pussy.


Senior Member
these are the kind of "injuries" you might suffer in a non-competition pick-up game...a professional defender playing for one of the biggest clubs in spain should not try to make a big deal out of it. maybe he should work on stopping suarez from scoring the kind of goal he did rather than try to be a social media darling.

Tiny Kim

New member
The problem with that kind of logic is that you can substitute suarez in your text with diego costa, and it still works fine.

I quite like suarez and i'm cool with his way of approaching the game. Not everyone can be a puyol. But the point is, you can be the lord of all cunts on the pitch as long as you stay within the grey zone of what's legal. if the ref sees him doing that stomp he's gone and rightly so. Don't hurt the team, otherwise do whatever floats your goat

"Don't hurt the team." Sure. Of course, that's the dream, ain't it? Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world. Some top players stay docile on the pitch but act like scumbags off it, some are hotheaded on the pitch but live a very quiet life off it, some are quiet both on and off the pitch, and some are a-holes both on and off the pitch.

A lot of other top players do things(probably mostly unintentional) that hurts their team. They're not perfect. That's life. Most of them don't go whining on social media after a match with pictures of their bruises looking for sympathy either.

Last night Fellaini stepped on the ankles of a Sunderland defender. Referee didn't give anything. On replay it looked very much intentional. Yet, no one is stirring up a shit storm about it. The defender didn't go whining with pictures on social media either. Some people just love drumming up made-up dramas just because it is Luis Suarez, and he's playing for the No.1 enemy of the country's beloved "babyface club", just like in the past.
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