no messi was horroble! tonight sadly / Suarez has the right to stand up to bully defenders! Stomp or no stomp i dont care if he uses elbows like ronaldo did as long as long he doesnt bite!! he can punch kick ect but for whatever reason social media goes into meltdown frenzy if he bites like its end of the world. Problem is fans expect Suarez to be like messi quite nice ice cold uninterested in the game like messi today...but its impossible. Suarez is like a Wolvarine if he were an animal. Forocious, Aggressive, Unpredictable on the edge , Never give up play like his life depends on it, Thats what makes him great and special player he is, he will never be calm, he is a danger man always at 100%, and sadly his killer instict may get the better out of him eventually once in a while. He is who he is, on the football pitch he is a wolvarine, outside pitch he is a great family man calm and nice, fans need to accept and respect the good and the bad, because he can not change who he is inside and his instinct and drive to win. I fully respect and accept his die hard attitude, and if he looses his cool once in a while , then il still stay by him