Your place is not here but in a toilet. You should be banned if this forum would be monitored. Nobody enjoys your language that’s for sure.Your responding is the last thing I need.
Eat shit and choke on it.
Your place is not here but in a toilet. You should be banned if this forum would be monitored. Nobody enjoys your language that’s for sure.Your responding is the last thing I need.
Eat shit and choke on it.
My language is commensurate to your sewer level of posting. You're calling Lewandowski bum, trash, shit, useless, well knowing it is not appreciated by many of this thread viewers. So there we go, let's do the talking...what, can't take it?!Your place is not here but in a toilet. You should be banned if this forum would be monitored. Nobody enjoys your language that’s for sure.
Exactly!Should have been subbed
But two managers now rather to keep him on when we are down to 10 men.
So what do I know
My language is commensurate to your sewer level of posting. You're calling Lewandowski bum, trash, shit, useless, well knowing it is not appreciated by many of this thread viewers. So there we go, let's do the talking...what, can't take it?!
How about you tell me about my education level again? Don't mods now to bail you out, soy boy with rabbit heart snowflake.
Of course, number of times he won aerial duels, was awarded free kicks, also returned to play defensively.We were hoofing long balls a lot in 2nd half, it made perfect sense to keep him on for that
Say what Jabroni?He said you are a bum
Shut up
What Raphinha did. Goalscoring. Might as well have been the deed of Lewandowski.Criminal that he wasn't taken off at half time. Less than passenger since red card without his fault, obviously. Flick and club to blame.
For Flick, like a chess GM ... one glance at the board as a whole, instead of counting individual worths of pawns and pieces, was enough to see the winning formula.No, the chances Lewa scores the same kind of goal in these circumstances is less than -2000% . Wtf. You seem level headed guy most of the time, but your pollack berserk instinct gets hold of you to become complete retard at times.
Barca needed legs, pressing and midfield controll after being man down. None of which lew provides. He's good at scoring goals from static positions, when provided chances, which is almost impossible, when man down. He is the slowest and clumsiest player on the entire starting lineup, so he can't participate in counter attacks, let alone be a point man for scoring. His holdup play, at lest at this age, is null. He never wins any battle and gets bodied easily by tiny defenders, who are younger.
So basically every single trump he might have got taken away from him, while he stumbles around the field like mannequin on roller skates instead of giving way for somebody younger, who can at least work his ass off in pressing and run into spaces for counters. As i said, no brainer.
Lmao there’s an art to being this unhingedSay what Jabroni?
I am a bum all right.
Yet he keeps bitching and moaning...what does he expect, I'll let him abuse my nephew Robert Lewandowski ?