There's no winning here.
If he has a bad game, and his fans are silent, it's that they went hiding into their caves.
If they come to debate and find reasons for his bad performance other than being shit, old and finished, it's the army of nationalistic drones blinded by his cock.
I only will say this, I don't even know whether he is finished or not, doesn't seem so for me tbh but you never know. I don't think it can be judged now at all, and think many of you are wrong dismissing him based on his lack of pressing, zeal to fight defenders or activity. He always did that kind of energy management, even in his prime, and if stars align, when it's all or nothing, you will see a different Lewandowski. You could see bits of that in 2nd leg vs Inter for example.
I'm not even a psycho fan of him, thing is tough, I watched him much more than typical Barcelona fan, including interviews and analyses, hard to avoid in PL really, and think I can bring sth more to the picture, especially vs the gross misrepresentation that is so common here.
As for Pele who's mentioned here all the time, yes he's better and a legend, otoh when talking club career, Lewandowski in Santos vs regional league would be at 30000 goals atm, and have highlight reels of scoring from a parking lot. Also, if you substract the few hundred dubious goals that Pele scored vs weird opposition, they are close in total goal tally. Not saying that against Pele, but if Lewandowski is a minnow basher from a farmer's league, was the Sao Paulo league really better than BL of previous decade? Can't have it both ways, here's a god and here's a fraud, and maybe they're closer to each other than presented.