Spending money you don't have on a near 34 year old player.
Who used to play for a team that destroyed barca many times the last few years.
What a sad club Barcelona has become.
Spending money you don't have on a near 34 year old player.
Who used to play for a team that destroyed barca many times the last few years.
What a sad club Barcelona has become.
How did they do when he left? Won the league last year I assume and scored hatfuls in the process?
I'll answer for you, they won less games, scored twenty less goals but best of all now they were freed of his defensive burdens, they managed to concede a whopping one less goal.
Spending money you don't have on a near 34 year old player.
Who used to play for a team that destroyed barca many times the last few years.
What a sad club Barcelona has become.
Barcelona is such an attractive city to live in, no matter how shit we are as a team, the best players in the world will choose to come here just because the city alone is worth it
sure and a 4 year contract at 34
We should have saved money and gotten Suarez back. Also Cavani is a free agent.
It never crossed my mind I'd live to see Lewandowski in blaugrana.
Lewandowski's first words as a Bar?a player: "Hello Romero". [@gerardromero] #fcblive
What a comeback from the dancing merchant