Does the idea of an Eto transfer annoy anyone else?
Honestly, I dont understand why it seems like we are so desperate to get rid of him. I know that sometimes his attitude can be a problem, and that his wage problems are an issue, but is there anyone else who would honestly rather have Eto than Villa, because I would
Eto for me has proven he's better than Villa....I know you can say Eto plays for a better team (=] the best in the world of course)...but he's scored more goals than Villa in La Liga on a consistent, yearly basis, I rate Villa highly, but seriously, Eto got near 30 goals in La Liga this season, What the hell is the point in selling him to make room for someone who has never scored as many goals as him, and is only about 2 years younger
....I just dont think we should sell Eto, he's a brilliant striker fgs.