God Serena
New member
So what? If there is a player x who has more barca characteristics then player y, the opinion of most valverde-haters, would be to choose x even tho y would be a better fit.
I think there would be a clear correlation between those two "groups" and also a causality explained by "no matter what we like technical ball playing people and everything else doesn't matter"-facotr.
Still ranting about "Valverde-haters" even though this poor decision was lamented well before there was even a Valverde for us to hate? And then using that to rope all "Valverde-haters" into the same boat to save you the energy of forming an actual thought? Typical.

Valverde has a laundry list of issues and his preference for muscle-bound workhorses is probably the smallest of them all. I know damn well there were people who don't qualify as "Valverde-haters" on this forum who lamented this decision when the news came out. I find it hilarious how someone who hasn't even been posting here is going to try and tell someone who has been here for years who was and was not saying certain things, based entirely on their Valverde-rection that forces him to be the subject, even when he's not.
Rakitic was once a fan favorite player on this forum and people like BBZ were opposed to him being a starter or even remaining with the club long term at all (Along with Roberto) which are both drastically different from how they think now, but keep sticking to your bullshit "Valverde-haters" theory that doesn't make even the slightest bit of logical sense. It's totally okay, man. The Valverde pictures on your walls won't know either way if you defend him and Rakitic or not, it's totally okay.