previously known as Jonathan28
18 is an age you are supposed to be young and Naive and do silly mistakes ,things like that can happen
Depends on the culture, some decades ago when you were 18 you would likely have been married, working a full time job and have a baby or your second on the way. 18 year olds then had to mature a hell of a lot faster then they do now. These days, you are allowed to act like a child for much longer then before, with this whole "teenager" thing. The term itself is not that old, created during the 80's or 90's to name a group of individuals who were too old to be considered children, but just young enough for them not to be considered full blown adults, even though just about everyone did.
My grandparents always moan how it has allowed people to mature at a far slower rate then they would have if they had been born in their time, especially with laws about child labour kicking in, which my dad moans should not have included 13-15 year olds. To be honest, I agree with them, at 18 you should be acting like an adult and aware, not making some scene and staying naive. take those 18 year olds back to our grandparents time and they wouldn't cope very well. They would be forced to grow the hell up.
I was going to say send them back to the Medieval era but they would probably be killed for not acting like men

People are allowed to remain kids for far to long, Grimaldo should not be acting like this.
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