Alejandro Grimaldo

El Flaco

Active member
Grimaldo's goal vs. Feirense




God Serena

New member
more ready player for Barca than the one who came through the youth ranks? In 5 years Alba is done and Digne will have turned into an even more of a shit player than he is now after warming the bench for 5 years while Grimaldo is the best fullback in the world.

Digne is not shit, he's actually pretty damn good. I can agree that Grimaldo should have at least been given a chance but Digne is a good replacement. There's nothing stopping us from bringing Grimaldo back one day either.


Senior Member
Ultimate troll thread.

Grimaldo does something good --> Joppe comes here raging and trolling --> members call him out --> Cycle continues

This will go on for years.


Mike the Knife
Grimaldo's situation is a blackeye for the club, Sport & MD trying to manufacture a narrative to justify it is a fairly transparent example of spin control. His interest from other clubs and eventual move to a bigger club than Benfica will continue to link the club's failure to the player indefinitely


Don't think Barca will regret to sell him, not really impressive performance

God Serena

New member
Absolutely beasting at Benfica.

Another one of those who got away :lol:

Probably Lucho's biggest failing as a manager here. Needed a backup LB desperately, our best B team player was a LB, our only LB backups were clearly not fit to play anymore... And the kid didn't even get a single chance.

And it looks like a trend that's set to continue. I wouldn't mind if Lucho really does pack his bags and leave at the end of the season.


Senior Member
Would he have turned out as good here though with the sporadic game time he would most likely have been getting kinda the same as bartra


Staff member
That's not the point. We could have loaned him out or sold with a buy back.
We have nothing now except kid with resentment.


Senior Member
That's not the point. We could have loaned him out or sold with a buy back.

He rejected both renewal and loaning. And probably would we would have inserted buyback if he wanted to.
But the kid put the club in an awful position for negotiation tbh. He already had the deal with Benfica and it was just up to us to get any money in January or let him for free in June

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