Alex Song


World Champion
Our current coach's name is Franscesc. Just like Fabregas'. Our previous coach's jersey number was #4. Just like Fabregas'. Coincidence? I think not. Cesc will be our next coach.

Am I doing this right?


Alex Song Has Pass Success Of 84.3 % (1847 Accurate Passes Out Of 2192) In Premier League This Season

Only four players have more goal assists than Alex Song (10) in the Premier League this season – Silva 14, Mata 13, Valencia 13, Adebayor 11

Culled from

Read those stats and stop making baseless comments and claims about how poor he is. If 10 assist for a DM is poor, what does that make Busquets ?. . . I like Busi BTW.
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New member
I REALLY don't think we need Song at all! Why do we need a backup DM when Busquets never gets injured and we have Mascherano who can be our backup DM. What we need is a CB damnit!


Senior Member
Its obvious, none of the cronies back at Camp nou give a flying sh!t about what some of you nitwits have to say. The deal is going to happen whether we like it or not, and soon Song could be a Barca player.


I REALLY don't think we need Song at all! Why do we need a backup DM when Busquets never gets injured and we have Mascherano who can be our backup DM. What we need is a CB damnit!

Same Mascherano who falls over at the slightest collision, Same Mascherano who caused us the game against Madrid in Camp Nou (Second goal)? Guess what happens when Pepe plays DM once again. . . .#Ownage!


Its obvious, none of the cronies back at Camp nou give a flying sh!t about what some of you nitwits have to say. The deal is going to happen whether we like it or not, and soon Song could be a Barca player.

Preach on, Preacher! :party1:


New member
Don't feel bad. A lot of people don't have anything to say.

Just like too much people blabs without knowing what they are talking about, you mean?

Naw, seriously. Song makes assists from a fairly deep spot with long, high balls: that means he needs a tall Van Persie type to get to them.

Now, you may decide that that's just not true, or that any of our short strikers can reach balls just as well as any Van Persie, and that's nice for you. All I'm saying is, don't be surprised when all his assist attempts remain fruitless, in case I'm right.


New member
Its obvious, none of the cronies back at Camp nou give a flying sh!t about what some of you nitwits have to say. The deal is going to happen whether we like it or not, and soon Song could be a Barca player.

Right. Your point? Tomorrow it's going to be hot. Are you going to forbid us complaining about the heat, too?


New member
SONG SONG SONG , he was the second best player at arsenal last season . he supported persie with many through ball last season . i believe it willl be a good signing but too bad for song to leave arsenal as he wont get enough time over here
He really wasnt. Second best player was Koscielny and third was Arteta. Song made 3 spectacular assists which has given him alot of praise. But Arteta was unsung hero for us as he was the one who kept the rest of the brain dead morons in midfield together

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