Alexis Sanchez


New member
Although Alexis had a reasonably high transfer fee, his wages were relatively low as he really wanted to come to Barca. If Barca went for someone else, it might have cost similar or greater transfer fee, but also potentially 20M more in wages as well.


New member
Anyone who still insists that pedro isnt much worse than alexis is out of his mind. We cant sell alexis right now. He's here already and is the best option we have.
Pedro should be sold however. The only reason he's still here is because he's from La Masia.


Anyone who still insists that pedro isnt much worse than alexis is out of his mind. We cant sell alexis right now. He's here already and is the best option we have.
Pedro should be sold however. The only reason he's still here is because he's from La Masia.

The real problem is the way our wingers play these days. If you look at Pedro with Spain, he's been their top scorer during World Cup qualification. Similarly Alexis has been great with Chile.


New member


"Alexis vs. Gdansk" says it all dude ! :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


New member
Pedro was much worse than either Villa or Alexis and he still gets games. I know he's Masia but loyalty should only go so far. He hasn't played well since 2010 and he's held to a much lower standard than Alexis. Ridiculous.


New member
He wears the # 9 shirt worn by STARTING STRIKERS\FORWARDS\WINGERS.

Using this logic, Arsenal used Gallas as their playmaker because he used the nr 10 when he was there. Or we are using Fabregas as a RB/DM, because he is wearing the nr 4..
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El Guaje

- he didn't meet the expectiations at all, never or probably only by scoring two times against R$al but that's way too little for a two seasoned 37 million player
- there is also Pedro who can do the job at least as good as Alexis but being a cantera and not costing the club tens of millions
- the money we get from Sanchez can get us a good CB or a new forward and both are vital for the club right now imo.
- the guy is nice but he is no way under no circumstances Barcelona material and he proved it hard for TWO gruelling seasons and he is preparing for at least a new season as far as I read, Tata seems to also give credit to the guy like Pep and Tito excessively did...

So, if he can do it, why has Alexis delivered more while playing far less?
Explain please.


New member
He could be wearing the #999 for all I care. The point was that he was bought intended to start BEFORE and not COMPETE with Pedro. The fact that Alexis plays less tell you something. Flashes of "brilliance" against a polish team that finished 8th in their league cannot change that. If Tello had to get just as much playing as Neymar after two seasons tells you what management would've taught of Neymar. It is almost like telling me that Neymar was bought for $57m as a starting forward/winger but then after two seasons has to compete with Tello to start. It would just be a gamble that did not pay off


New member
I've posted that gif specially for Alexis haters :VdB:

Well, that was obvious. I think everybody calls "hater" to each other way too easy !

As far as I'm concerned I could never hate a Barcelona player, at least as long as he plays for Barca and its not some sort of freak...


New member
So, if he can do it, why has Alexis delivered more while playing far less?
Explain please.

Because not even attackers get measured only by their numbers as goalkeepers aren't rated based on the number of goals they concede, Zamora trophy isn't of much relevance, obviously !

It's a much more complex scheme but I certainly won't try to expose it in these type of conversations because the theory is too long, too abstract and far too unpopular !
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New member
Because not even attackers get measured only by their numbers as goalkeepers aren't rated based on the number of goals they concede, Zamora trophy isn't of much relevance, obviously !

It's a much more complex scheme but I certainly won't try to expose it in those type of conversations because it's too long, too abstract and far too unpopular !

Right, so I think we can all agree that his attitude has been noteworthy, his off the ball movement decent, his workrate admirable, and yet, even if we look past his disappointing numbers, he's still been shit for the last two seasons, as you so eloquently put it. I'd honestly love to see this supremely long, complex, abstract and unpopular scheme of yours. My feeble mind will probably not be able to comprehend it's heavenly glory but hey, it's a worth a shot, wouldn't you say?

El Guaje

Because not even attackers get measured only by their numbers as goalkeepers aren't rated based on the number of goals they concede, Zamora trophy isn't of much relevance, obviously !

It's a much more complex scheme but I certainly won't try to expose it in these type of conversations because the theory is too long, too abstract and far too unpopular !

With or without numbers, Alexis is and has been better since he came to Barcelona.

What is Pedro doing that makes him superior to Alexis?


Senior Member
It's so cool to shit on him whatever he does. Scores - sucks. Doesn't score - sucks. Falls over - sucks. Doesn't fall over - sucks. Scores and falls over - sucks. Crumbles again - sucks. Gets a grip - sucks. Slower than Messi - sucks. Doesn't dribble like Messi - sucks. Doesn't pass like Xavi - sucks. Loses the ball - sucks. Wins the ball back - sucks. Works his ass off - sucks. Doesn't do enough step-overs - sucks. Isn't Aguerro - sucks.

And here we have a prime example of what constructive criticism is not. Packed with set phrases, platitudes and assumptions and fueled by a surprisingly intense, yet strangely familiar dislike that really tries to, but fails to hide in the subtext. Maybe it's just me getting old and stuff, but I feel like I've read this post a million times already. And I'm kinda tired.

- he didn't meet the expectiations at all

Whose expectations didn't he meet ? The medias', yours ? What were those expectations and what were they based on ? Were they realistic or was the wish father to the thought ? Please be more specific; unless of course it boils down to the casual 'he needz to score moar goalz !!!!111!!' remark or the highly sophisticated 'he sucks monkeyfuck and pukes diarrhea lolz' and it's abundant derivatives which are among the usual evaluations here and therefore don't need to be brought up yet again.

37 million player

Doesn't have anything to do with his performance, nor is a transfer-fee by default a benchmark or a special incentive. The cost of a player doesn't equal to the transfer fee either, as a transfer-fee is an operating expense, while at the same time being an investment into an intangible asset, that derogates profit and saves taxes. If you really want to determine his true cost, you'd have to be an accountant, Barcas' accountant to be precise. Which you are most likely not, I presume. Case closed, moving on.

but being a cantera and not costing the club tens of millions

Same as above.
Also, Pedro is a good samaritan who works here on community service as it seems. Furthermore, a youth system has operating costs such as equipment, personnel, infrastructure and its' maintenance etc. A cantera player is not free. They cost money. Each and every one of them.

- the money we get from Sanchez can get us a good CB or a new forward and both are vital for the club right now imo.

I agree on the CB, but I have an easier solution. We keep Sanchez and buy a CB. Now how does that sound ? What's the point of selling exactly, aside from the money-thing which is obviously a dead rabbit you conviniently pulled out your sleeve ?

he is no way under no circumstances Barcelona material and he proved it hard for TWO gruelling seasons

Define Barcelona material. What is the spectrum of skills and traits required, what skills and traits does Sanchez have, is there a notable difference between these and what is the consequence of this ?

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