André Gomes


Senior Member
It's not only a black or white isue. I don't hate Gomes but I disapproved this transfer and thusfar I mentain it was a flop move by Barca not only by the price paid but also by not letting him go to Mierda who seemed desperate to sing him...

That's what I call a super stupid transfer!


Senior Member
Thiago isn't necessarily the best measuring stick...Bayern fans aren't happy about him these days.

When we sold the guy you'd think by the outrage that he was going to become one of the best midfielders in the world. Yet here we are over 3 years later and the guy still isn't even close.


New member
I swear to god, you all are so clueless, and are so eager to hate.
It's not Gomes' fault if we're playing like crap, you can easily see his brilliance by the way he plays. Yes he's slow but being slow doesn't = shit, he has other qualities to him.
The bone to pick is with Luis Enrique and his shitty ass system which for some reason he can't see that it's not working, and him not having a determined pecking order so that one of Gomes or Denis has a run of games so they can get some rhythm and integrate better in the team.

Yeah if we had let Real Madrid buy him, you'd probably be crying about how the Barca board are useless, have shit scouts and can't buy young talent just expensive superstars. Lol, typical :rolleyes:

We can't carry another slow midfielder though.


Senior Member
1-Thiago had major injuries for two consecutive seasons and made a good comeback last year even if he wasn't a starter in some important games,This season he is a starter there surely and one of their key players. Not sure if Bayern fans are unhappy with him really. seem the opposite to me right now

2-Thiago was gone 3 years b4 we signed Gomes, There is no point of the comparison
If Thiago turned the best CM in the world in the next couple of years and Gomes turned world class but not as good that doesn't take anything from the Portuguese and if Thiago turned shit and Gomes turned mediocre that doesn't make it better for us.
At some point people need to let it go and stop such comparisons

3-I was against Gomes deal from the start,and I also didn't want him to join RM. simple as it is I think he is very good player who is a bad fit for us.
He has the potential to be better version of Rakitic (he is obviously inferior to him right now) but then again we need a new Iniesta not a new Rakitic,he also plays more of LCM rather than Rakitic RCM so that complicates things more. The only way such deal makes sense for me is that if we are planning to move Messi in couple of years to midfield and becomes Iniesta replacement which btw I think it may happen at some point but not very soon. He also never played a system close to ours but tbf how many clubs play like us?
So when this deal happened I was worried and I am still worried,he is a good player who might turn to be an awful fit.

That said I think Gomes has been adapting well,probably he has made the biggest adjustments to his game to fit our style between all of midfielders that brought to the team in the past few years other than Rakitic,he seem to find his teammates easier,position himself better for teammates and doesn't hold to the ball to much if it isn't needed.

He need to reach his defensive potential which is something I believe he will.
The second biggest hole in his game is his lack of ability to make a defense breaking pass,this could be the main difference for his time here,if he learned better to create chances to the others he will be gr8. But I am not sure he has that in his game tbh.
Overall I think he is very interesting player to watch,him and Denis has earned the right to get fair chance and see their potential with the team IMHO. along with Rafinha proving to be useful I am not that disappointed with our young midfielders. There is some growing pains right now but they are showing steps forward

I have never seen so much polarized opinions in this forum as in Gomes case.

Then you haven't seen enough in this forum .
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New member
I just watched the Celtic game again and havevto say that Gomes played quite well. He is starting to understand his teammates, passing the ball well. It's wrong to compare him to to Iniesta, there is only one Don Andrés ...


New member
He plays too safe. Looking forward to his second season. Hope he'll loosen up. Rakitic could use some good competition.


Senior Member
We can't carry another slow midfielder though.

WTF is all this shit about SLOW.

If you want a sprinter we might as well buy Bale and play him in midfield.

I don't remember Xavi breaking any sprint records.

Lucho is clearly trying ti figure out his best Eleven while also trying to keep his players fresh.

Id like to see Gomes get a run of games.

Clearly has the most potential of our youngsters.

People forget it took Xavi and Iniesta a long time to eat themselves.


New member
WTF is all this shit about SLOW.

If you want a sprinter we might as well buy Bale and play him in midfield.

I don't remember Xavi breaking any sprint records.

Lucho is clearly trying ti figure out his best Eleven while also trying to keep his players fresh.

Id like to see Gomes get a run of games.

Clearly has the most potential of our youngsters.

People forget it took Xavi and Iniesta a long time to eat themselves.




Senior Member
He need to reach his defensive potential which is something I believe he will.
The second biggest hole in his game is his lack of ability to make a defense breaking pass,this could be the main difference for his time here,if he learned better to create chances to the others he will be gr8. But I am not sure he has that in his game tbh.
Overall I think he is very interesting player to watch,him and Denis has earned the right to get fair chance and see their potential with the team IMHO. along with Rafinha proving to be useful I am not that disappointed with our young midfielders. There is some growing pains right now but they are showing steps forward

I think his ability to play a through ball is severely underrated here. There are times when, even if he is still in his adjustment period, he just comes up with a pass that is characteristic for a highly intelligent and creative midfielder. I think this makes him different to Rakitic, who doesn't have that passing creativity imo.

But the way our midfield is set up, whatever creative moments our midfielders have is something that the players add on their own, a personal touch if you wish, not something that the role has them do consistently. That is why you are not seeing many defence breaking passes. Because the role does no longer require our midfielders to be creators or playmakers. Check how many assists our midfielders have nowadays, compared with how many they used to have, and you will see that now the fullbacks and obviously the members of the MSN are the ones with the most assists, not the midfielders. That is normal for a team that is very top heavy and uses the wings a lot.

So I disagree that he doesn't make defense breaking passes because he doesn’t have the ability to do them. Because he does do that at times, but as I said more as a personal touch. In the Celtic game, there were several moments where he took the right call as far as deciding when to maintain possession and when to try a more risky pass, to the extent that I don’t remember him missing a pass (which is different than him being dispossessed, which happened a few times). In a system where our midfielders are restricted by clear tactical instructions to play predominantly in a restricted space, he comes across as a potentially world class midfielder who will be able to combine workrate, with passing ability and some flair and dribbling potential to top it off.
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Senior Member
I was probably misunderstood with earlier post. I don`t cry about Thiago, in fact I don`t give a shit about him. He left Barcelona and I wouldn`t care if he had the worst career ever from that point on. Just like Claudio Bravo. Water under the bridge. But the fact is that at that moment he was one of the best midfield talents and we lost him because of clause in his contract for game minutes as I recall.

And I really hope that Gomes will succeed here. He is a likable guy with big potential. Had a good game vs Celtic. But at the moment our whole midfield is struggling to control any game and that creates much danger in front of our goal. Is it the players or the tactics, time will tell.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Why do people even continue crying about Thiago? He is constantly injured and a big game choker. Forget about him. Seriously, Bayern fans don't rate him that much.


New member
is this guy right footed or left footed? I honestly don't know since he uses both feet just as much as the other.

like look at this video and watch how many times he uses both feet?
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