I'd rather get Cesc than Arshavin. hands down
He is quite a fair player though, Barcelona could do with someone revamping their tainted reputation for bad sportsmanship.
Actually, Villa can play at the same positions as Arhavin. Striker, LW and even AM. About durability, you can never be certain of that. But one thing I'm certain of is the older a player gets, the slower he'll be.
I'm surprised you still think Keita is a worthy replacement for Iniesta after his abysmal performances. In terms of Creativity, he is a big FAT ZERO. One of the reasons everyone 've been crying out for someone like Cesc. Toure is primarily a DM and although he can do a job in the forward role in the small games he can't offer what Iniesta can on the big stage. Messi CAN play AM but hes pretty wasted there and hes shown to be more effective as RF just like Iniesta CAN play wings but is most effective in midfield.Iniesta get injured, Keita, Messi or even Toure can play in his position. And we always have our B team.Why spend money if we have enough talent in the youth ranks?
Arshavin has already said that the russian paper translated it wrong.
robinho is an ok man actually... but i see u base your views on reading goal.com.
Arshavin has always maintained he is a culé. Whether it was translated right/wrong is irrelevant in this instance. May be you should do a bit of reading on the Russian.
Robinwho has always had prob with every club hes been to. Btw what is goal.com? Never heard of it. The fact that you know of it means you're the one who reads it.![]()
Since his arrival in london hes always complained about the city (the food, the women, the weather, his team's lack of squad depth etc)....When a player is unhappy somewhere hes hardly gonna give his all in every match. It's natural.
U know what goal.com is. If you don't u live in a bubble or somewhere that doesn't have much internet. But I know your lying.![]()
robinho married his childhood girl, how many footballers do that? he also gives generously to chairty. Yea he is such a bad guy... but you obv h8 him so your viewpoint is biased and incorrect.
This is a ridiculous way to explain why a player you like is shite in 80% of the time, really. Next time don't forget the TV and radio shows, the quality of the gas in London and maybe the fact that Prince Charles is bald.
How natural is that really. To be so biased that you point out THE WOMEN in London as a reason why he's a shite, wow![]()
So?...Like i said, him being a culé has nothing to do with what was/wasn't said in this instance. Read a bit on the Russian's past or go back n read this topic.
My internet provider has blocked a lot of shitty websites...
There are a lot of footballers who marry their childhood girls and give generously to charity.(some do it genuinely n some for publicity stunt)...Not all our saints. The fact is Robinwho plays for Santos due to his probs with the club who owns him. And i think hes found his right match this time.![]()
omg u r ridiculous... You don't know what goal.com is but you know its "shitty"? ur lying and thats wrong just like ur opinion.
Andrei used to support barcelona as a child and admires them now. but he isn't a cule.
name pro footballers who married their childhood gf. i bet you cant name 10. robinho did not do it as a publicity stunt. he didnt tell the papers. some1 else did.
what is wrong with englands women? all the ones ive seen have been nice. where do u live that has better women? brazil?