Andrés Iniesta



Iniesta to get #3 for the Ballon d'Or. Cr has so many fans among the voters (captains and coaches) he is bound to get more votes than Andres. It would be more fun if the top 3 was all Barca like in 2010, what I wouldnt give to see Cr's butthurt face again.

I predict 1. Messi 2. Cristina 3. The Don, but hope The Don gets the 2nd place.


Active member
Iniesta to get #3 for the Ballon d'Or. Cr has so many fans among the voters (captains and coaches) he is bound to get more votes than Andres. It would be more fun if the top 3 was all Barca like in 2010, what I wouldnt give to see Cr's butthurt face again.

I predict 1. Messi 2. Cristina 3. The Don, but hope The Don gets the 2nd place.

No chance, this isn't going to happen. People are tired of seeing Leo win it over and over again. It's gonna be between Iniesta and Christina. But since, as you've said, CR has more fans amongst the voters, I believe he's going to get it.

Puyol the wall

No chance, this isn't going to happen. People are tired of seeing Leo win it over and over again. It's gonna be between Iniesta and Christina. But since, as you've said, CR has more fans amongst the voters, I believe he's going to get it.
Is this a lottery or an award given to the best player of a particular year Leo has been better this year and he will win it.


Maybe you are tired, but Messi has a big chance, beleive me! He is the best. He is much better than any other fotvballer. 82 goals and 35 assists. Where was Xavi and Iniesta in Barca?


New member
The Fifa Ballon D''or is given by votes from national team coaches, national team captains and I think one media representative from every Fifa country. So again, just look at last years results, how far Messi has been with his votes. You'll see that Christiano shouldn't have any chance there.

I think the ranking will be as follows:

1. Messi
2. Christiano
3. Iniesta

These days, looking at the voting system, there's no chance an Iniesta or a Xavi can win the trophy, as Messi and Christiano just shoot to many goals and make too many asists. The problem here is, that a lot of people look at basic and simple statistics just as goals and assists, even though Barca's game would be nothing without Iniesta and Xavi. Although they are the backbone of this team (together with Busi), there's no chance to win a Fifa Ballon D'or as long as Messi lives and plays.

What I'd love Messi to do once is not just saying that he dedicates the trophy to his friends Xavi and Iniesta, but also gives it to him in front of everyone :D


Active member
No chance, this isn't going to happen. People are tired of seeing Leo win it over and over again. It's gonna be between Iniesta and Christina. But since, as you've said, CR has more fans amongst the voters, I believe he's going to get it.

So you're actually saying that Messi - the player who broke just about every scoring record known to man - has no chance of winning the balon d'or? And what exactly do you base the Cronaldo has more fans amongst the voters claim on?

Of course Messi has a chance of winning again. I'd even go so far to say that he's the slight favorite to edge Cronaldo again. At worst it should be 50/50.

...seriously, no chance? Ya, seems legit...


The Fifa Ballon D''or is given by votes from national team coaches, national team captains and I think one media representative from every Fifa country. So again, just look at last years results, how far Messi has been with his votes. You'll see that Christiano shouldn't have any chance there.

I think the ranking will be as follows:

1. Messi
2. Christiano
3. Iniesta

These days, looking at the voting system, there's no chance an Iniesta or a Xavi can win the trophy, as Messi and Christiano just shoot to many goals and make too many asists. The problem here is, that a lot of people look at basic and simple statistics just as goals and assists, even though Barca's game would be nothing without Iniesta and Xavi. Although they are the backbone of this team (together with Busi), there's no chance to win a Fifa Ballon D'or as long as Messi lives and plays.

What I'd love Messi to do once is not just saying that he dedicates the trophy to his friends Xavi and Iniesta, but also gives it to him in front of everyone :D

I don't think, that Messi's play is just scoring and assisting. Last season Barca won a lot of games without Xavi and Iniesta.


New member
I think Iniesta stands a good chance of winning. Even though they shouldn't, voters will eventually get tired of Messi winning everytime and start to put him in second or third hoping for an upset. Ronaldo is a lot less popular than Messi because, you know, everyone is so jealous of him. You also can't justify voting for Cristiano over Messi and his record breaking season. Surely it's worth more than winning the [Strike]glorified Scottish league[/Strike] Liga.

Than you have Iniesta. The difference between him and Xavi in 2010 is that he has won the golden ball at the Euro so voters will think it justify putting him in first. He's also well liked and respected by just about anyone.


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No chance, this isn't going to happen. People are tired of seeing Leo win it over and over again. It's gonna be between Iniesta and Christina. But since, as you've said, CR has more fans amongst the voters, I believe he's going to get it.
That's one of the most deluded stuff I've read in this forum. The award is not some candy you give away who do you like most. It's for the best player of the season/year, and on average the best will win it. And Messi has clearly been the best this season, individually.


New member
Iniesta > Cristina Ronalda

Iniesta is better than Cristiano in everything except finishing...
But, we all know that most people will look at stats, Cristiano scored 60 goals for Madrid, which make him a contender (especially that realmadrid won La Liga).

- ugly reality
1- Messi
2- Cristiano
3- Iniesta

-how it should be (imo):
3- Ozil, Pirlo, Xavi

Even Gomez scored 47 goals, Huntelaar scored 53 goals.. Its not just about goals, its about overall performance !!!


New member
I don't think, that Messi's play is just scoring and assisting. Last season Barca won a lot of games without Xavi and Iniesta.

Well I never said that. As for me, there should be a new competiton called Fifa Ballon D'or next to Messi, as nobody should win it as long as Messi plays.


New member
-how it should be (imo):
3- Ozil, Pirlo, Xavi

So much bias. :lol:

Xavi shouldn't even be on that list..and this how it should be:
2-Cristiano, Ibra
3-Iniesta, Pirlo

Messi and Ibra didn't win too much last season but they had there best individual season and in many moments carried their teams on their shoulders.

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