Andres Iniesta


Active member
Not every player can do what Pep did and I'm sure Iniesta is one of them. No matter how they may seem on the outside, their inside can be very different. Plus its hard for a player like the Don to leave his boyhood club.


New member
it means that if you know you are shit and thus you hurt the team, you should man up and tell the coach to bench you even if he wants to play you. and that takes courage. you don't have to butt in just because the coach picks you for the starting line up. i'd step aside if i were him. he's hurting his own legacy by playing like that

That's probably the most stupid thing i've heard in 2015, and we're already 2 months in, mind!

If your coach picks you for the starting line up and you play, that's not "butting in" that's doing your job, which you're contractually obligated to do as a professional athlete. And if you need a reminder why that's a good idea, go rewatch some of the games last season, when some players thought they knew better than the coach what's best for the club.

Like berkeleybernie has said, unless lucho picks his line ups with a magic eight ball, we can assume that the way iniesta plays this season is exactly as instructed. If you want to see the silky iniesta again, you can either watch spain's national team, or hope lucho get's sacked or build a time machine.

or i dunno, send him a message and tell him to stop playing so badly, maybe he's responsive to that.


Senior Member
Thank you Bernie. If you would not blindly support anything Pedro does, you would be one of my favorite posters here anyway. You know football.

:D I don't really blindly support Pedro. I just think he gets more crap than he deserves. If he had finished half his shots in the start of the season before Suarez was available, everyone would be praising him.


Active member
That's probably the most stupid thing i've heard in 2015, and we're already 2 months in, mind!

If your coach picks you for the starting line up and you play, that's not "butting in" that's doing your job, which you're contractually obligated to do as a professional athlete. And if you need a reminder why that's a good idea, go rewatch some of the games last season, when some players thought they knew better than the coach what's best for the club.

Like berkeleybernie has said, unless lucho picks his line ups with a magic eight ball, we can assume that the way iniesta plays this season is exactly as instructed. If you want to see the silky iniesta again, you can either watch spain's national team, or hope lucho get's sacked or build a time machine.

or i dunno, send him a message and tell him to stop playing so badly, maybe he's responsive to that.

i mind your avatar and realize why you're so... touchy. perhaps if iniesta was injured without lucho knowing it, it would've been wrong for him to ask the coach not play him, because he is a professional athlete who is contractually obligated to play even if he is doing it horribly. or maybe if it were a physical problem you would justify this kind of action, but for me it's the same, whether it's a physical problem or a mental one, whatever's going on with iniesta. and for me there would be nothing wrong with him asking lucho for some time to clear his head. you really have strict and dogmatic views on player/coach relationship. and what's this imaginary scenario from the last season that isn't even related to what i'm saying.

you're wrong about me wanting to see silky iniesta, although that would be great, but at this point i only want to see him helping the team not hurting it. is he instructed to play like crap? because that's how he's playing. and why doesn't the same "instructed" logic apply to alves or any other player who doesn't deliver for the team and get crucified for it on a weekly basis?

here's my final opinion on this whether you like it or not, iniesta is playing like total crap, and many people see it, and many people get butthurt because they can't accept it. but there would be nothing wrong to see iniesta sit out for 4-5 weeks straight even if it were his own choice. if iniesta himself announced that he wants to take some time off, no one would even think that it meant going against the coach.

alves > iniesta


i mind your avatar and realize why you're so... touchy. perhaps if iniesta was injured without lucho knowing it, it would've been wrong for him to ask the coach not play him, because he is a professional athlete who is contractually obligated to play even if he is doing it horribly. or maybe if it were a physical problem you would justify this kind of action, but for me it's the same, whether it's a physical problem or a mental one, whatever's going on with iniesta. and for me there would be nothing wrong with him asking lucho for some time to clear his head. you really have strict and dogmatic views on player/coach relationship. and what's this imaginary scenario from the last season that isn't even related to what i'm saying.

you're wrong about me wanting to see silky iniesta, although that would be great, but at this point i only want to see him helping the team not hurting it. is he instructed to play like crap? because that's how he's playing. and why doesn't the same "instructed" logic apply to alves or any other player who doesn't deliver for the team and get crucified for it on a weekly basis?

here's my final opinion on this whether you like it or not, iniesta is playing like total crap, and many people see it, and many people get butthurt because they can't accept it. but there would be nothing wrong to see iniesta sit out for 4-5 weeks straight even if it were his own choice. if iniesta himself announced that he wants to take some time off, no one would even think that it meant going against the coach.

alves > iniesta
No player will ask to be benched. Better give up, go home and retire, if that's the case. That's up to the coach.


New member
i mind your avatar and realize why you're so... touchy. perhaps if iniesta was injured without lucho knowing it, it would've been wrong for him to ask the coach not play him, because he is a professional athlete who is contractually obligated to play even if he is doing it horribly. or maybe if it were a physical problem you would justify this kind of action, but for me it's the same, whether it's a physical problem or a mental one, whatever's going on with iniesta. and for me there would be nothing wrong with him asking lucho for some time to clear his head. you really have strict and dogmatic views on player/coach relationship. and what's this imaginary scenario from the last season that isn't even related to what i'm saying.

you're wrong about me wanting to see silky iniesta, although that would be great, but at this point i only want to see him helping the team not hurting it. is he instructed to play like crap? because that's how he's playing. and why doesn't the same "instructed" logic apply to alves or any other player who doesn't deliver for the team and get crucified for it on a weekly basis?

here's my final opinion on this whether you like it or not, iniesta is playing like total crap, and many people see it, and many people get butthurt because they can't accept it. but there would be nothing wrong to see iniesta sit out for 4-5 weeks straight even if it were his own choice. if iniesta himself announced that he wants to take some time off, no one would even think that it meant going against the coach.

alves > iniesta

oh, touchy doesn't even begin to describe it, i'm livid with rage here, you know. especially the last remark really got to me, not gonna lie.

The problem with your argument is that you equate "i personally think iniesta is playing like total crap" with "iniesta playing is hurting the team"
we've just had 11 wins in a row, had one of the statistically best seasons so far and are on course in all three title races. Now you might be saying, yeah but that's despite iniesta playing like crap, but luckily, thanks to luchos obsession with rotations, we can debunk that. No midfield without iniesta has been a revelation. Despite his "decline" and whatnot he can apparently fulfill the role that lucho expects of his midfielders better than the current alternatives. And that's that.

I have no problem with people saying he's has declined or is a shadow of what he was, because the way he plays now is dull and unimpressive. But that's not down to motivation or decline or magical loss of ability, or anything else that could be cured by the "pique treatment". that's why your statement is so ridiculous, among other things.

but we can make a bet if you like. Let's wait till spring when spain plays their qualifiers again and if iniesta plays equally "crappy" as with barca this season, i eat my words and use a stalin picture as my avatar for the rest of the year. sounds fair, eh?


New member
Since Confed Cup final (where Paulinho wrecked his shit :wave:), he was being mediocre almost consistently in NT. His NT performances almost identically follow Barca's.

Few nights ago I watched Copa final 2011 again, and my God was I impressed by him and Xavi in the second half of that game. They were CONSTANTLY moving in between lines and looking to play FAST forward passes, Mourinho's thugs had hard time even to foul them. I'd say that 2nd half was among the best ones in Guardiola's era (especially considering RM had licence to kill in that game), too bad they couldn't capitalize those chances and got out of breath in OT.
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New member
Total crap my ass, has he been vintage? No but he has contributed to the team, just the other day he created and scored the winning goal in the first leg of the Copa semi final. So he only dribbled through 5 players once this season, get a grip.


New member
Total crap my ass, has he been vintage? No but he has contributed to the team, just the other day he created and scored the winning goal in the first leg of the Copa semi final. So he only dribbled through 5 players once this season, get a grip.

He's nowhere near his previous level, which is fine. However the decline has happened dreppressingly fast and he just isn't contributing enough to the team right now, if he doesn't get his shit together soon then we will struggle to compete with the big boys.


I blame Lucho's system for Iniesta's lack of form this season. Our style of play does its very best to ignore the midfield completely at times, even (Thinking back to Mascherano's long ball that led to an immediate Torres goal).

Iniesta has 0 goals and 0 assists in La Liga this season. There's no way that's entirely down to him. It's not like he's showing us how blatantly behind the rest of the XI is the way Pedro does most of the time he plays. The system just doesn't have any use for him.

Part of the reason why I'd still get rid of Lucho if given the chance, even despite the win streak.

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