Again you re being overly pessimistic. It s true that there are to many comfortable seniors in the squad. But we have a good core (midfield duo), we have Griezmann, Fati and Dembele as a "he might explode" option.
This is what will happen:
The elections are in a summer of 2021.
Till 2012, NOTHING will change.
1. you will still have Barto, who sucks
2. you will have his board, and they have done all the mess in the last 10 years
3. you will still have HIS sporting directors who are horrible, remember that Robert guy and now Abidal
4. HE will pick coaches (Tata, EV)
5. he is obsessed with superstars (Neymar, Griezmann, Coutinho, Dembele)
6. he has give long, fat contracts to Suarez, Busi, Raki, Pique, Messi and almost to Neymar
So, 90% likely: NOTHING will change in these 2 seasons.
What can change?
1. you can only hire a new coach, who will again be Barto's pick
2. Pep and Klopp won't come here.
Because Barto sucks. Our project sucks. And our team is filled with drained oldies under long contracts whom nobody wants to buy and you can't fire them since you will need to pay out a remaining of their fat, long contracts.
Also, no sane coach will come here knowing that the elections are in 2021.
If Barto will lose the elections, that means that a current coach will most likely get fired and a new board with start with a new coach and new players.
So, we won't get Pep or Klopp.
You can only get EV, and young guys like Pimienta, Gallardo or maybe Koeman (after Euro 2020).
1. the board will be the same for the next 2 years
2. sporting directors will be the same
3. players will be the same
And then, in 2021, if we will get a new board, we will start a new era.
But if, a new Rosell's/Barto's guy backed by socios and Godo group (Mundo Deportivo) will win=we will have exactly the same situation as today for the next 4-5 years.
So, basically, things might start to change in a summer of 2021'.
Until then, we will have 2 seasons of this crap.
Also, if you think that we are bad in this moment, just wait and see what will happen in the remaining 20 Months until the elections.
Messi is already a way weaker than he was 5-10 years ago.
Today he is 32 and a half.
By the end of a season, he will be 33.
In the next season, he will be 33 and a half and 34.
Remember how he was always gassed out and tired in March and April.
Imagine how dead tired and walking he will be this season and the next season in CL quarters, lol. Embrace yourself.
Suarez will be 33 in 2 Months.
And 33 and a half by the CL final.
In the next season he will be 34 and 34 and a half. Lol.
If you don't like him today, imagine how will he look in the next 2 seasons.
Pique will be 33 in 3 Months.
If you hate him now, imagine how will he play over the next 2 seasons...
Vidal is 32 and a half. The same story.
Raki is a goner.
Busi is horrible and he will be worse with each new Month.
A new problem: Alba is 30 and a half. He will be 31 in March, and 32 in the next season.
He will lose his pace, stamina and overall, he will be a way weaker version of a current, already injury prone and brainfart prone Alba.
Griezmann seems to be physically drained and on a steep decline.
What is left? Jack of all trades Roberto.
Average in attack Semedo.
Average Lenglet.
Always injured Umtiti.
Wague is killing everyone in every tackle.
Firpo seems like another joke.
Basically, all you have is: Mats, Frenkie, Arthur and Semedo.
Now, let's go back to the next 2 years:
Messi will play every game.
Because everyone are afraid of Messi and he wants to play all the time.
That means=NO CL wins for us, since with tired Messi=we are shit.
Also, forget about any tactics since Messi will play over the field. If he has his day=fine. If not=we will lose against anyone.
Suarez is old, but other options are horrible.
And there are no new CFs around.
Dembele is so horrible that we need to play Fati who is a few light years from being ready for Barca.
In defense: Pique and Lenglet for 2 years.
In midfield: Frenkie, Arthur and probably Busi, since he is a legend and Catalonia has political problems, so domestic guys will need to stay and play.
The same applies for Pique and Roberto.
In attack, we will have 2 years of Messi-Suarez and one out of Griezz/Fati/Dembele.
Feel free to quote me: we are miles away from the bottom.
This is just a beginning.
In the next 2 seasons, each new Month will be worse and worse.
This is an end of a cycle and an era.
We need to reach the bottom to get back to reality, from the board, players and fans.
I mean, 90% of people here think that we have the best rooster in the world, lol.
No offense, but we need to sink to the bottom for millions of people to get a reality check.
Believing that a team is very strong and that only random scapegoats (Barto, EV, Raki, Suarez, Pique) are guilty and that everything else is fine=is a huge reason why we are today on this place.
So, prepare yourself for one very sad and ugly ride until 2021'