Antoine Griezmann


Active member
Atletico says: "no refunds" :lol:

One of the biggest transfer scams in recent memory. First Barca get trolled by him, then the very next year buys him for 120M, meanwhile Atletico made a profit and purchased an even better player for a bargain. Now he's useless and a very costly player of uselessness
What exactly has Felix done to be considered a better player than Griezmann?.

Jay Jay

I still wonder and can’t believe he has 45M a year. What the fuck is in the heads of Bartomeu. He shouldn't have gotten half of it.


Senior Member
He proved he is good at france and atletico.

Only stupid coaches put him on LW.

If he does not show anything this year he will be transfered


Senior Member
He proved he is good at france and atletico.

Only stupid coaches put him on LW.

If he does not show anything this year he will be transferred

he was never that good anyway. not even mentioning the transfer fee and salary.

a system player that benefited from having defensive managers that used him in a certain position. otherwise, when did griezmann instill fear into opposition defenses?

barely hit 20 goals into a liga season and that was 5 years ago. a massive fraud of a player. can't believe that people actually hold him in high regard.


Senior Member
I am not saying he is great but in this xurrent team he can provide a lot.

yeah, we saw what he provided last season. mostly goals in meaningless matches and that napoli away tap-in. when it came to him stepping up, he was nowhere to be seen. got benched by fat suarez.


Senior Member
If Messi is staying then Coutinho and Griezmann need to leave, are they really going to waste another year of Griezmann playing on the left? Fuck sakes come on..


Active member
No Joke I think he was a buy for Shirt Selling. Barto knew Messi might leave so he bought a new shiny Toy to promote if Messi leaves. Barto needed some faces for marketing reason.
Sporting wise this Transfer makes absolutely 0 Sense.

But I can't blame him , he's a nice guy and has a good personality

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