Arda Turan


New member
Decent game I liked his pressing and aggresiveness yesterday but again not involved attack enough.

I watched Arda interwiew after Valencia game.He said we are working for MSN.Same words what Rakitic said in the past.He is playing simple not taking responsibility.Probably Lucho wants to play like that.I remember Rakitic was playing offensive midfielder position at Sevilla and he was more creative than now.
I dont see Arda being Gala 11 member this year.Rakitic is way better than him for now.We are lucky to have both players in the squad.
Competitiveness only brings success thats why I like Lucho more :)


Active member
Let's hope he finds his form fast.Even though he had the numbers yesterday it was still clear he wasn't that good.Never expected him to play great from the first minute and lets hope he keeps progressing.


I really liked his match. Think he pressed well, and was good without the ball. I'd like to see him playing on Iniesta's position too, but I'm not sure if that's in Enrique's plans.


New member
We don't know what Luis Enrique asks from Arda, but there is a possibility that when Arda plays along Iniesta, that Arda's job is to be Rakitic no2. Hard-working midfielder, while other guys will create chances and goals and "steal" youtube videos.

Arda surely can offer more shiny tricks than he is offering today, but again, we don't really need 11 players on the field who will do shiny tricks.
We need balance.
And if Arda was bought to bring balance, then that's it. He won't do spectacular moves, he will mostly run, fight and cover for other players (like Rakitic who is often a semi Cm-Cdm).

For example, Rakitic also knows how to play as an attacking player. But we don't need that part of his skills in Barca. We need a hardworking midfielder who will from time to time show/use some of his attacking skills in build-up, link-up play or with shooting in some rare occasions.

For example, does this guy on this video looks like a Barca's Rakitic? Not too much...

So, Arda in Turkish NT team or in Atletico was one guy.
In Barca, who knows, maybe we will use him totally different.

For example, Mascherano came here as the best defensive midfielder in the world.
But he played on that position in less than 10% of his appearances...

Does a CB position suits Masch more than a Cdm?
Who cares?
We need him there and that's it.

The club is more important than any player. And it is a job of a coach to create a perfect balance out of our team.
Even though that will sometimes mean that some players will play on new positions or that they will have some duties somewhat different than duties in their career before Barca...

I got your point, but i can not agree. Examples of famous but average peforming players is not justifiying amy case. Team play doesn't necessarily means you have to do only hard working without taking responsibility.
It is a mixture of all required.
If you have better shooting angle than Messi and Messi gave the ball to you, then you need to shoot.
If you have capability to pass the defender, then you shall do it.
If you have the capability and you are not passing it, then there is something wrong there.
If he plays like this he will fade away slowly.
If he try to play in a similar level to other 3 guys, he will both serve Barca in best way, and he will have a deserved legacy in the team.
By the way dont mean if you show some skills it means selfishness.
Anyway, as expected LE already started to cut him..
I told you he will be looking for those opportunities.
Until now he just proofed that he is just a game player, nothing extra ordinary..


New member
Can't agree Lucho cutted him.Alves and Rakitic didnt play a single minute
against Valencia that doesnt mean Lucho cutted them.Arda can't be starter every match.
Lucho rotates the team wisely.


New member

This video minute 1:50 explains what I meant.. many positions he acts similar, but this is so obvious. I don't think LE wants him to play like this..
see that moment.. he can dirrible the ball for some time to at least give the most convenient guy.. or create some escape space to his team mates.
What he is doing now in general, I don't think it is helping anybody..

Moreover Rakitic comparison is not fair. They are not same style players. Rakitic was more offensive with direct shots to goal etc.
Arda is a brilliant middle field and side player, he can use the ball and pass the ball, this is what LE expect him to do..
But he is not really doing that. He is not being creative or taking ball to create positions to his teammates.
He is just giving ball to the next guy...
That is so average play.. not for Arda..
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New member

Guys my friend in turkey send me this picture.He said that Arda selected MOTM for Levante game in Turkey which he didnt played a single minute :lol::lol:


You're welcome
Gotta love Turkish nationalism....

One caveat though: The image posted is probably of a situation where people can vote for their MOTM.
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