Atlético Madrid

Damn, Atletico look good! They are closing the gap (8 points).

Not too worried, they shouldn't be able to close it much further, as long as we don't needlessly drop points. Especially since Falcao is injured.
Gotta give them credit for being second above Real Madrid though. Hell, they might have been fighting for the title in any other season. Hope they can finish second.
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Falcao's injured. Bad news is, Real might overtake them now. Good news is that they could now drop a few more points.
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New member
Simeone needs to coach Argentina after this.

He's such a great manager, incredible what he has done with A. Madrid. I think he could leave after this season if any bigger club is interested. I heard Mourinho is leaving... Haha :D


He's such a great manager, incredible what he has done with A. Madrid. I think he could leave after this season if any bigger club is interested. I heard Mourinho is leaving... Haha :D

He said he will never coach Real Madrid and I believe him. The guy has too much pride to do a Figo.

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