Who the fuck is voting for Bartomeu? I know Laporta has his problems, but I would rather have him than Bartomeu.
Bartomeu is just a puppet.
Despite initially being a part of Laporta's team, Rosell (and by extension Bartomeu) is somewhat viewed as the return to Nunez' values (quite ironic, as they also face trial). The older socis, who have witnessed the good years of Nunez' presidency make up the majority of the season ticket holders and are usually the ones showing up at the general assemblies.
On the other hand, Laporta, Benedito, Majo etc. were all part of Elefant Blau, the anti-Nunez movement. If it wasn't for Gaspart's years of sucking on the dick of mediocrity, Laporta would've never been able to seize the throne and Barca still would've had a leader in the mould of Nunez
Well Laporta isn't doing himself many favours with his atrocious campaign so far.