Barca Transfers and Rumors


People still yapping on about players.

Liverpool beat us with the likes of Origi, Milner, Shaquiri etc ��

We fucking signed two players for 100 million plus and yet our best player over the two legs was signed for 18 million.

We need a top class manager and fitness coach. How fucking slow are we? No stamina, nothing.

The fish rots at the head. Kick Valverde and the seniors out. Be prepared to go trophyless for three seasons while we rebuild.

i agree with you
If possible, we must get Neymar back.
When you look at the team. almost no player has talented, fast, and dribling except Messi
and also we need a real manager,
before Coutinho came to Barca i was saying he is one of the best attacking midfieldier in the world but he is being played as left winger hence he is not successful in that position and has a loss of self-confidence.
from now on i don't believe he will be succesful maybe if Neymar comes he can be useful with Neymar

take Messi out of the pitch. this team can not win against any team
Barcelona always has one of the 3 best players of the worl at the own position

now we are like average team there is only one person who creates the difference is the Messi


Senior Member
Get Trent Alexander Arnold. Offer them Coutinho in a straight swap. What a player that guy is, best RB in the world, could become as great as Dani Alves was.



Sign a LB a RB and a CF and a winger. Give more chances to the B team players and stop signing Murillos,Paulinhos and Boatengs

Add Alba, Busquets and Lenglet to that list, as well as a bunch of the fringe players currently sitting on the bench.


6racies Xavi
Just sto with Neymar LMAO. We don't need any more shame this year since we are on our way to become a meme too.

Fuck man this is the saddest part. Look at the last 7 years.

4 QF exits one of them being embarrassing
2 Semi final exits both of them embarrassing
1 CL win.


Well-known member
Neymar won't come back and that's probably best because then it would just be Barca trying to recreate treble winning MSN Barca with older players and worse midfield. Wouldn't work.

Instead i'd rather see 2-3 young, fresh players added to the starting 11. De Jong is a great start for that because he represents exactly what the team lacks.


Senior Member
We lack new coach.

Fast wingers.
I don't see any top team in the world who have slow team as Barca.

What do you think of Douglas Costa?Not the best finisher but he could be decent for the price.


Senior Member
True.Didn't realize that he is that old.Wasted last 3 years of his carrier.

Sane looks expensive , and also one trick pony always going left.
Who could Barca target?


New member
The De Jong-Arthur midfield won't work in the CHL. Fabinho was a fucking monster yesterday. Wanted him when he was at that Monaco team. We need strong midfielders with intensity who are also technically fantastic. De Jong is one. Need two more. Try for a second and imagine a De Jong-Fabinho with a attacking yet high intensity midfielder in front of them. Kind of a young Toure. We can't get Fabinho now.

We lack intensity!!!!!!


Well-known member
The De Jong-Arthur midfield won't work in the CHL. Fabinho was a fucking monster yesterday. Wanted him when he was at that Monaco team. We need strong midfielders with intensity who are also technically fantastic. De Jong is one. Need two more. Try for a second and imagine a De Jong-Fabinho with a attacking yet high intensity midfielder in front of them. Kind of a young Toure. We can't get Fabinho now.

We lack intensity!!!!!!
Leicester’s Wilfred Ndidi plays similar to Fabinho

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