Bayern München


Professor Balthazar
Wow, what a boring match. The only thing that saved Bayern from sucking was that Arsenal sucked even more. Did Pep lose it when he selected the starting 11 tonight? Next round when Bayern face somebody stronger I think they will be out of CL.


New member
Missing penalty and red card then game turned to Bayern.
I didn't like Bayern. Last years' Bayern were more powerful. This year copy paste Barca but it is a bad copy.


Lemon curry?
Arsenal could have beaten them. The true gamechanger was Szczesny's red card, not anything that Bayern did. Before that Arsenal put them under pressure quite well and could have scored (from open play too, not just the penalty).

Ryu Hayabusa

Arsenal could have beaten them. The true gamechanger was Szczesny's red card, not anything that Bayern did. Before that Arsenal put them under pressure quite well and could have scored (from open play too, not just the penalty).

Bayern were in the driver seat from the moment of that missed penalty by Özil. Arsenal didn't threaten the goal a single time since then. Obviously the red card happened much later.


Culé de Celestial Empire
They were on top for large portions of the game. With 11 men they could have gotten a result.

Really just the first 15 minutes though. Oezil's missed penalty completely changed the momentum and it went downhill drastically for them.

However, I still think Arsenal played better against Bayern than they did last year.

Ryu Hayabusa

Ok, you can think that. If you were a neutral fan you would see it differently.

That is not a matter of thinking. Arsenal was on fire from minute 5 to minute 20 and they could easily have scored 3 goals if Bayern would have had a lesser goalkeeper. From there on out, after Bayern had adjusted their pressing which was way to high up the pitch, Arsenal did not threaten the goal any longer, since Bayern had possession and dominance. Most of the match was happening in Arsenal's half of the pitch. There were occasional losses of the ball, allowing Arsenal to gain a bit of space, but that was it.
I was worried for the first 20 minutes, after that I wasn't. If you seriously claim Arsenal were Bayern's equal right up until the red card, you are only lying to yourself.
They were clearly better the first 15 minutes, if not even 20 minutes, but after that Bayern slowly suffocated them.


Culé de Celestial Empire
25 minutes in, one scoring opportunity, one materialized. So simple.

We really need someone who can head. Therefore Alves' countless crosses will just be futile.

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