to barcaforum. Very good first post.
Thank you.

What this current Bayern team also has which we haven't had for years are reliable veterans like Lewa and Muller who are still performing at a great level. Besides Messi our other veterans level has dropped significantly over the years and the results were evident in the CL.
I agree (although Muller had some MIA's in the past seasons but he came through). Father time is undefeated, but with some of your guys it seems they lost the will and the hunger. Physical decline has nothing to do with that - it's a state of mind, a mental thing (I mean, look at Cristiano, seriously when I look at him, I feel he's gonna try to replicate a real life Rocky scenario, he's gonna play till he's 50 and then he's gonna buy a club where he'll have a guaranteed spot in the first 11

A lot of your guys got complacent and too Messi-dependent and you cannot tolerate that in modern football with just one guy, yet alone a bunch of them.
At least it seems we've now finally realised the problems and decided to do a rebuild which should have been done years ago. I think 2017 after Neymar left would've been be a good starting point but of course hindsight is always 20/20.
Well, in all fairness, nobody saw that coming and it shocked you pretty good. Now, it's normal the fans get shocked and maybe the players as well, but you can't have your president and the board get shocked to the point they start making irrational and hot-headed decisions. Also, a lot of other clubs pulled one over you when they saw that your president was a) rather desperate and b) full of cash from the Neymar departure. Hence the crazy amount of cash you spend and very little to none return.
And in theory we actually wanted to start a rebuild with Dembele (to replace Ney) and Coutinho (as Iniesta's successor) but for different reasons it just didnt' work out well. If at least one of them would pan out I think our situation could be a lot better today. It seems they'll both get a second (or a fourth) chance so hopefully they can bring something to the team this time. Dembele by staying fit any Coutinho with possibly bringing some positive mentality from Bayern.
TBH, when you bought Coutinho, I thought you found your new Don Andres Iniesta. Why it didn't turn out that way is partially on your coaches who definitely didn't know how to utilize him best, but partially it was on him as well, because it felt like he surrendered at one point, you know that move when you shake your head and shrug - that's it. I really don't see him as a winger, he never was that, but for some reason, your coaches forced him in that role (maybe because they thought 4-3-3 is the only way to go). I actually like Cou and would love for him to stay but naturally not on these insane wages (who ever is in charge of wages at Barcelona should be the very first person fired, because you're insane with the wage structure
Dembele purchase I see as both bad luck, but also lack of quality and thorough scouting. Injuries are unpredictable, especially with young players (look at Coman), so that's just bad luck but if I am to spend 100+ millions on a player, I'm gonna make God da*n sure about his off the field antics and that is where I see your scouts failed. Especially when these antics are in a way connected to the injuries or could be a small catalyst leading to them. Demebele's problem is lack of proper parenthood. It is really difficult to amend that as a club but you could learn how to recognize it and decide if the risk/reward ratio is acceptable before purchasing such a player. As a person who knows very well the importance of health, I wish him all the best and hope he recovers fully, because on his night, he's one hell of a player!
The purchase I never could understand was Griezmann - why would you buy a player that occupies the very same place as Messi? Unless someone on your board was clairvoyant with the turn of events that are actual regarding Leo. He was a no fit for you. Now, that being said, if Leo leaves, he'll get his chance to prove everyone wrong. But at the time of purchase, that was a very big miss on your guys, especially given the wages, which are insane.
And I'm also quite hopeful about some of our youngsters (until they prove me wrong at least). So while it will be very strange not to see Messi anymore in the team at the same time I'm also looking forward to see how they'll do if given a fair chance (which they should get with some veterans leaving and hopefully those who'll stay having a lesser role in the team).
Well, I guess everything depends on Leo. Personally, I would let him go if that is his wish (same with Thiago and us). I have a mindset that if you don't want to stay then you may leave. If I force something, I'm degrading you as a person, if I were to beg, then I'm degrading myself and the club. Both ways I burn bridges between us probably beyond any hope of repair and that is not something you do to the club legend. Besides, no one player, no matter how great he is/was, isn't above the club. Of course, I would not let him go for free and if the City's bid is real (Bernardo Silva, Gabriel Jesus and Garcia CB + 100 mil) - I would take it, I think it's a fair offer (once again, if true), maybe you could squeeze a little more money. B. Silva would be a great addition to you (if used properly) and Garcia could develop into a very quality CB. Jesus, I'm not a big of a fan, because I think he needs way too much opportunities to score. However, you never know till you at least give it a go. And then you have a 100 mil to balance the books or possibly buy a midfielder (I don't know why you aren't interested in Thiago, for 30 mil in today's market).
And yes, I agree you should give at least a fighting chance to your youngsters, once upon a time it was your youngsters that put you on the very top. Where did it all go? That's something Bayern lacks for ages, very, very poor youth school and no plan to improve it.
Honestly, right now, I don't see Koeman as your long term HC solution but give him a chance. In the worst case scenario, he's gonna be the guy that paved the way for THE guy to come (because someone's gotta do that too
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