Culé de Celestial Empire
It's a political fighting term to implicate that the person spoken to has no knowledge of basic economics. Mostly because the self proclaimed socialist regimes of the past (and we're always talking about the past) were a thinly veiled front for autocratic tendencies with economical mismanagement galore. Looking at Europe these days, we learned that it doesn't take a socialist to run a country into bankruptcy.
Fun Trivia: In Germany, which always tried to find a reasonable middleground between the two extremes of capitalism and socialism - thus dubbing it social market economy - it were actually the capitalists within the social democratic / socialist party supported by the socialists within the social democratic / socialist party and the make-believe socialists of the green party who shifted the balance towards moar capitalism by deregulating the banking sector and the insurance industry and cutting down social welfare.
Hence, the term is devoid of all meaning in modern politics.