Champions League Semi Final: Liverpool - FC Barcelona 4-3 agg.


6racies Xavi
Yeah... because Barca is simply not good enough, specially under EV.

- The team has aged and became very slow compared to present tendencies.
- No right back like Alves used to be, who gave the most assists to Messi ever.
- Alba has believed that he is more or less a winger, so weaker when needs to defend against a motivated and good opponent.
- No skilled and attacking minded midfielders. Busi and Rakitic have been good, but their time is over.
- There's a huge gap between the midfield and the 2 and a half attackers, Messi needs to do both tasks alone.
- Suarez has declined a lot, he shouts more and shots less.

- Valverde is a mediocre entity, not capable of working with a Barca team, he has no tactical vision whatsoever.
- Valverde is anything but a brave manager, he is too result-oriented, not noticing at the same time that quality has declined.
- Valverde thought Barca can get through at Anfield by thinking only about the 3:0 at Camp Nou, but he did NOT think about the actual bad performance produced at the 1st leg.

- Valverde is seriously mistaken by thinking he created a team around and for Messi. He created a bad team WITHOUT Messi, regardless the few occasions and favorable results, when Messi was absent.

- Valverde is a faceless, characterless and a mediocre to bad coach, who didn't care for the actual quality of game-play, rather favored tiring, often lucky wins by 1:0 or 2:1.

Dont get me wrong I fully agree with you. Lack of system , the coward that is our manager all played a huge part. What I meant is when comparing player against player quality wise , Barca imo comes out ahead against everyone( even if some players dieclined). But as we know Football is played as a team with a system and not relying on individual quality.

The midfield this Coward went for is absolutely pathetic and is still tilting me 12+hours after the game. A Vidal-Busi--Arthur midfield would have been a completely different story.
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Senior Member
Look on the bright side. We might have gone through and been humiliated in the final or even won the trophy. That would have kept Shitverde in the job and these useless players would have remained.

Now is the opportunity to spring clean. Fresh start, new faces, new manager. Dump Shitverde and Rakitic, Suarez, Busquets, Alba and Pique. Either they move on or warm the bench. They are no longer starter material.

Are there riots in the city? There should be. I hope some of our sponsors dump us. It's only when the money stops rolling in that Barto and his cronies will notice.


Senior Member
Iwould keep Alba. But Rakitic, Suarez definitely has to go. Bob should never be in the starting lineup in this team ever gain. Next season should be Pique's last season.


Active member
When he returned to Barcelona by plane, Valverde and Aspiazu had a long conversation. Leaving at the end of the season is more than possible. They are demoralized, more than in Rome and do not forget the Bartomeu ultimatum in case of failure. Pep Segura was downgraded by many players who ignored him. The team, arriving in Barcelona, was clear: This team died today. A big change should take place. Messi and Arthur were on anti-doping, they were disappointed and upset, delaying it. (AS)

Andrew M

New member
Demeble miss in the first leg was so costly. What was the defence doing during the corner. When will we learn to hold on to the lead

Let's be honest, we would have lost 5-0 if Dembele had scored. The most frustrating thing is that we have seen this performance away from home time and time again. It's like the players just go on auto pilot straight into the side of a mountain.

And I'm sure everyone of us knew we were going to lose when that first goal went in.


New member
We should get the Ajax guy to run things for two years and have Xavi working alongside his team .

He’d could move across seamlessly.. bringing FDJ and De Ligt , build the team around those two , Steg in goal ... Messi and Arthur.

That seems like a good route, but I don't think Bartomeu has the vision to go for him. Also, to be fair, Ten Hag prob doesnt speak Spanish and hasn't had enough time to prepare for a job of this magnitude. Question mark over his ability to win trophies too, as he's 49 and only won 1 Dutch Cup.

But for sure I'd take him over EV any day of the week.


Junior Member
Long time lurker, but my God what an awful match. Cant wait for De Jong to arrive and hopefully we will have a coach who can play more directly. Malcolm and Dembele could be the answer. Lets make Barca great again.


New member
Let's be honest, we would have lost 5-0 if Dembele had scored. The most frustrating thing is that we have seen this performance away from home time and time again. It's like the players just go on auto pilot straight into the side of a mountain.

And I'm sure everyone of us knew we were going to lose when that first goal went in.

Something needs to change. So much space given. could have played defensive after the first goal went it and got them on the break. year after year the same pain, this one is even for painful. Im devastated . Real Madrid fans will be laughing at us
It will be interesting to see how much of a statement our fans will make against Getafe. A mostly empty Nou Camp would be a nice message, even though it probably wouldn’t be received by our brain dead president.


We need changes, but some of your doom and gloom comments are 100% emotional reactions. New coach, a few changes and we could win CL. The trick is what those changes should be and how well they will be executed.


Senior Member
Let's be honest, we would have lost 5-0 if Dembele had scored. The most frustrating thing is that we have seen this performance away from home time and time again. It's like the players just go on auto pilot straight into the side of a mountain.

And I'm sure everyone of us knew we were going to lose when that first goal went in.

It's because we don't have a leader anywhere in the club. Bartomeu is a clown, Valverde is a textbook example of a man without any balls and our team is full of mental midgets. Messi is a GOAT, but not a leader. In the midfield we don't have one player that can take the game in his hands and bring back the confidence of the team. Even Pique as vocal as he is did nothing yesterday, just stood there like a bitch, drowning with the rest of the team.
Bunch of followers, not a single leader.


Senior Member
Mourinho: "That 4th goal, if you see that in an U14 or U15 match you would say the kids have no mentality to play football. To concede that goal really shows you a state of mind! How to justify that is very difficult. I'd like to see Valverde explain that." [bein]

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