


Disappointed me this season, squad is far better than the squad that won the Champions League last season, yet can't even make the knockouts :unsure: Chelsea do worry me next season though, you would have to think the squad they have will gel more next season & them possibly getting Falcao and a decent manager (possibly Pep) they will do some damage in the PL and Champs League.


Blue Blooded Aussie
What a whirlwind 2012 for Chelsea though, I could name more facts but I'll cover the main points.

Let's see:
-3 managers, AVB, RDM and the fatass Spanish waiter
-Won the FA Cup
-6th in the EPL for 11/12 and miles behind United in 12/13
-Win the CL in May, knocked out of the next edition in December, first team ever
-Lost the CWC

What a mess, haha. Only in football!


Blue Blooded Aussie
So, David Moyes being linked with Chelsea. Has done absolute wonders with minimal budget at Everton for the last 10 years, I always think they are going to fall off but they manage to always be top half, comfortably most of the time at that, can't say it's down to anything but Moyes.

Edit: Just had a look at past standings. They went from 17th in '04 to 4th in '05 and were only out of the top 10 once, in '06. They pretty much average 60 points a season and finish 7th-5th. They are currently 5th as well.

Now, is he crazy enough to take the job? I'm thinking he's not high profile enough for Roman, but we'll see. He's not a definite offer but we've been linked a fair bit in the last week and any high profile manager would turn down Chelsea so it may be realistic for us to go for him. I'd rather him than some clown living off past glories.

What do you other EPL fans think of Moyes?
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Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
I love David Moyes, probably my favourite manager in the Premiership, I do think he'd motivate the Chelsea guys to play with more desire & create a better atmosphere, but i couldn't see him leading any team to a championship.

Thoroughly nice chap though


Improvin' Perfection!!
I love David Moyes, probably my favourite manager in the Premiership, I do think he'd motivate the Chelsea guys to play with more desire & create a better atmosphere, but i couldn't see him leading any team to a championship.

Thoroughly nice chap though
I think the same too... He does seem to be motivating type of a manager, explains all the wins against big teams; has a great eye for spotting a talent, explains all those cheap signings making it big over the years; doesn't seem to be a great leader, explains all his whining.

He doesn't seem to be the tactical type of guy for me... But then he never had the resources to be one, with the limited amount of money/talent at his disposal. And then he made a good striker out of Fellaini and Cahill!!

If Utd, as rumored few years ago, were going for him I wouldn't really be impressed. But for Chelsea, because of their current situation, he's worth a punt I guess


Blue Blooded Aussie
I wouldn't disagree with signing him. He was linked with us years ago and even then I said I'd take him. I just suspect Roman will go for a higher profile name like Rijkaard, who is now a free agent.


Hi, its me..
i love Moyes as well.. cant really see him at chelsea though. I was hoping he'd go to spurs but AVB went there.


ze special one
HAZARD is gonna get some serious match bans for that. ball boy refuses to give him the ball so he kicks him 1 to the ribs and one seemingly to the face


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