CL Quarter Final: PSG - Barca 2-3


Senior Member
ISIS are nothing but a CIA and Mossad front.
Funny how ISIS NEVER hit Israel and an Israeli official said they would prefer ISIS in Syria rather than the Assad government. They also gave ISIS fighters medical support and air support.
They would love to take attention away from Gaza and once again blame Islamic terrorism and say they are waging a war against Hamas a terrorist group and are protecting Europe through thir war on Hamas.
Textbook Hasbara shit.
We know, but this is peoples lives we are talking about
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Professor Balthazar
ISIS are nothing but a CIA and Mossad front.
Funny how ISIS NEVER hit Israel and an Israeli official said they would prefer ISIS in Syria rather than the Assad government. They also gave ISIS fighters medical support and air support.
They would love to take attention away from Gaza and once again blame Islamic terrorism and say they are waging a war against Hamas a terrorist group and are protecting Europe through thir war on Hamas.
Textbook Hasbara shit.
Keep this Gni garbage out of this, don't poison the football threads with politics pls...


Staff member
Won't get whooped for sure. We solidified the defense.
Speaking of which, we should play deeper to limit the space and build from there.


You're welcome
Won't get whooped for sure. We solidified the defense.
Speaking of which, we should play deeper to limit the space and build from there.

Now you mention it, teams that sit a bit deeper are a big weakness for PSG. Rarely seen them score like that.


Professor Balthazar
I don't know how good we are at sitting deep though, maybe full attack will surprise them like it did with Napoli and AM? Man I don't know, it's going to be a tough one...
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