Claudio Bravo


Senior Member
1) I don't understand why this is a debate, MATS was signed as replacement for Valdes. Bravo was brought in to be a sub who performed outstanding.
2)VV is our legend yes, but please, look at him before 2006 and tell me he didn't make shit tons of mistakes. Alot of barca fans wanted him out because he was very shaky.
2)Stegen has already showed his mettle under pressure in the UCL. People who laugh at stegens mistakes, don't say shit when neuer gets caught out or Bravo on his near post.


Senior Member
@<a href="" target="_blank">BBZ8800</a>: You like history and statistic way too much for my liking. ;) History doesn't always repeat itself and as my former statistics teacher said there are three lies in the world - small lie, big lie and statistic. :)

Anyway, I don't really see why there is such a division between Bravo and MAtS fans.

History doesn't always repeat, but it is quite dumb not to learn anything from history and just somewhat blindly believe in more or less every current youngster with high potential.

Mats won a CL, that's awesome.
But still, even in a small sample of matches where he played, he made a really nice amount of "wtf" errors.
My concern is that majority of fans think that his mistakes are only due to being young or not playing regularly.
On the other hand, there is an option that his mistakes are due to his personality. That's just who he is. He plays risky, he is overconfident, he tries to copy Neuer and then makes unneeded mistakes, and he often "sleeps" during matches for some reason.

At the end of the day, no matter how Mats's fans twist it, we are gambling now.
We sold a proven Gk who rarely makes mistakes for a Gk who is young, has potential and everything looks nice on paper.
But it remains to be seen whether or not he will get there.

And yes, every Gk makes mistakes, but it seems that some Gks make more mistakes than others

Let's just hope that we won't see similar crap way too often in the next season:

Or when some fans say that this is awesome. If I were a coach, I would bench him right away after that:

Like a kid who tries too hard to impress and then everything goes wrong...
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The overreactions... Bravo asked to leave. No one is pushing him out.

And I could swear Barça won 3 titles with mats as gk, one being the UCL.


Staff member
We'll see if erratic German will be able to fill Bravo's shoes.

Chilean has been 10/10 signing for us. The price, quality and perfect integration.


Senior Member
At the end of the day, no matter how Mats's fans twist it, we are gambling now.
We sold a proven Gk who rarely makes mistakes for a Gk who is young, has potential and everything looks nice on paper.
But it remains to be seen whether or not he will get there.

And yes, every Gk makes mistakes, but it seems that some Gks make more mistakes than others

Or when some fans say that this is awesome. If I were a coach, I would bench him right away after that:

Ofc you would. You are like the anti-thesis of Pep Guardiola. :lol: No room for youngster to express themselves, or out you go. No place for the likes of Neymar et al. For what it's worth, that sequence is splendid. He committed to it until he got out of danger. A (mentally) weak and less skillful keeper would have panicked and messed up. Worthy to note also, that even after being lobed or making mistakes, he plays undeterred, conforming to Barca's philosophy.
I get your concern. But BBZ, if clubs only relied on experienced/vets, we 'd have to overhaul the squad every other season. A keeper's position needs stability. At some point, the club HAS to gamble on select youngster(s). The club did with VV despite his errors, and the persistence paid off (in most cases it does). The club is gambling on MAtS, but it's a calculated gamble, given his skillset and time already spent with us.

MAtS' errors are part of his personality, but also his profile. You can't be a sweeper, and not be audacious. You have to accept the bad with the good, like with the VV. As long as the former don't eclipse the latter.


Senior Member
1) I don't understand why this is a debate, MATS was signed as replacement for Valdes. Bravo was brought in to be a sub who performed outstanding.
2)VV is our legend yes, but please, look at him before 2006 and tell me he didn't make shit tons of mistakes. Alot of barca fans wanted him out because he was very shaky.
2)Stegen has already showed his mettle under pressure in the UCL. People who laugh at stegens mistakes, don't say shit when neuer gets caught out or Bravo on his near post.

This! Well written my friend..


New member
lol Mats will be our first keeper and he will boss it. He will shut all the haters up with amazing passing and goalkeeping abilities. He will also please the haters when he makes a mistake. We'll deal with it because he's our best keeper and the one we all love. There really is no debate.


Senior Member
If Bravo goes we need to buy a replacement fast. Diego Alves from Valencia is the perfect choice. Anyways, Stegen has got his wish now, he's no1, so he better deliver. I'm gonna be extremely critical of him.
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Senior Member
I bet we are selling him for less money than City will sell Hart for.

Either way, great player and guy he did an amazing job during his time here. Wish him the best.

Will always remember the 4-0 Clasico and the amazing performance he put on, also the 1vs1 stop against Ronaldo.


New member
I bet we are selling him for less money than City will sell Hart for.

Either way, great player and guy he did an amazing job during his time here. Wish him the best.

Will always remember the 4-0 Clasico and the amazing performance he put on, also the 1vs1 stop against Ronaldo.

Scary Hart > Bravo but true words.

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