if Ronaldo makes it 6-5 in Ballon d'ors with another CL he will be hailed as the GOAT by most people (stupid people obviously, but most) I'm already seeing 'hes the CL GOAT' and given his record, if you just looked at the stats you'd have to agree.
i hate how football in europe has become so stat obsessed, it doesn't show the true beauty of the beautiful game.. just look at Busquets for example, you ask most PL fans and their first response is 'hes a fucking peekaboo diver' totally disregarding hes the best DM in the world and some of his skills and touches are pure genius. same way Iniesta gets downplayed because he didn't score enough goals, I've seen people actually suggest Lampard is better ffs
Talent wise its no debate but trophies/career? Messi will need a world cup to shut the doubters up once and for all. if Portugal manage to fluke a world cup.. I quit football