Cristian Tello


Mike the Knife
He's good, but sadly there's better players in his position... I just hope we don't keep on loaning him like Cuenca/Bojan and than goes for free.
He's worth 10-15M IMO and its better to sell him now, so he can prove himself some where else #goodluck

Edit: I hope he joins an EPL team, his style of play is perfect for the EPL...

Sorry but I don't really understand what this means to arbitrarily say this player or that is better at a position than another...Tello, again, offers something none of the other attacking players possess - speed and directness

Having a weapon that can vary your attack, an attack that is all too often criticized for being too predictable is precisely the goal...Truth is we still need another varied aspect to the attack in a #9 but the argument that he has no place in the squad has never been logical


New member
Sorry but I don't really understand what this means to arbitrarily say this player or that is better at a position than another...Tello, again, offers something none of the other attacking players possess - speed and directness

Having a weapon that can vary your attack, an attack that is all too often criticized for being too predictable is precisely the goal...Truth is we still need another varied aspect to the attack in a #9 but the argument that he has no place in the squad has never been logical

Thank you. If he gets proper minutes, he can be very deadly.


Staff member
If he started regulary, he'd have 15-20 goals a season easily. And you know he has an eye for assists too (3 in one match few months ago).
All in all, that's a return better than Pedro's.
But yeah, he's not a better player than Pedro and certainly much less talented than Neymar.


New member
If he started regulary, he'd have 15-20 goals a season easily. And you know he has an eye for assists too (3 in one match few months ago).
All in all, that's a return better than Pedro's.
But yeah, he's not a better player than Pedro and certainly much less talented than Neymar.

If he was happy being a super sub i'd keep him but i'm sure he wants to play regularly and I believe Deulofeu and Adama are waaaaaay more talented.


Mike the Knife
If he started regulary, he'd have 15-20 goals a season easily. And you know he has an eye for assists too (3 in one match few months ago).
All in all, that's a return better than Pedro's.
But yeah, he's not a better player than Pedro and certainly much less talented than Neymar.

Absolutely...And I think he'd even be fine as a rotation/sub player but not these paltry minutes he's had this season...The lowest in the squad?...It's incredibly insulting and it's only natural that the player is unsettled - especially since this has happened before

The list of things that have degenerated at the club is a staggering one


Cruijff's Heir
If he started regulary, he'd have 15-20 goals a season easily. And you know he has an eye for assists too (3 in one match few months ago).
All in all, that's a return better than Pedro's.
But yeah, he's not a better player than Pedro and certainly much less talented than Neymar.

Well tbh Bojan, the numbers aren't bad at all but he is such a one trick pony. I don't mind selling Pedro in the future either to get a better player in, but Tello really hasn't got a bright future here. Doomed to be sub, and I'd rather see him go to the EPL or a midtable Liga team.


If he started regulary, he'd have 15-20 goals a season easily. And you know he has an eye for assists too (3 in one match few months ago).
All in all, that's a return better than Pedro's.
But yeah, he's not a better player than Pedro and certainly much less talented than Neymar.

He really has it bad here. He might get one start every 4-5 months and when he does poorly everyone jumps down his throat. I couldn't believe management wasn't willing to sell/loan him in January. He's still better than Alexis was last season, but Alexis was never dropped despite his piss poor form and eventually got better; a square peg eventually being forced into the round hole.



His daughter Carlota was born. Congrats :)


Mike the Knife
That's awesome for the player...When I read he was excused from training, my first thought was that the baby was born...It didn't really quite sink in completely until a few weeks later when our son fell asleep on my chest as I watched a Barcelona match but your life changes forever

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