Daniel Alves


Active member
At the risk of getting a little mushy, that's one of the reasons why I like message boards like this...People from all around the globe...Different religions, races, languages, cultures etc...Yet all tied into the game, it's kewl...I never could wrap my head around racism/prejudice

yeah, i never understood it either. i mean somethings labelled as racist piss me off... things like painting ur face black being called racist :rolleyes: but i can never understand prejudice against people's skin colour/their religion. just narrow minded i guess, i don't think alves should "fight back" just ignore the stupid animals... take pity


Rasism is stupid..if a african goes to spain he gets hit by racism, and when the spanish racist goes to a further north country, he gets hit by racism in turn. All the "ultras" would probably be met by the racism from Swedish racists.

i think your 'argument' is just as dense and is itself, racist. first of all, racism is directed to anything that's different, it's not only related to skin color, it rarely is. secondly, there is no standard or superior ethnicity, none whatsoever that have to do with cardinal directions. you are trying to imply that people from sweden are the 'whitest' and are therefore less keen to be victims of discrimination, this is ridiculous, not because the racial term 'white' is nonsensical - it's less a fitting description, than it is an obscure label - but because you're stating that discrimination is a one-way traffic. thirdly, you're probably going to hate me for saying this, but many spaniards could pass as swedes and vice versa. i'm sure spaniards perceive themselves as white. many other europeans might not share that same perspective, which only means they are unreasonable to such extent as to exclude even other caucasians from their fellowship; a cleansing of some sort

How is that spain, with probably the darkest people on the continent, is also the most racist? no offence, but it's like they're overcompensating for something.

it seems spain isn't europe worthy. dark-skinned people can't be racist? way to expose yourself.


New member
Have you had EVERYONE stare at you when you walk into Walmart? I have when I was living in North Dakota. I could just hear their thoughts: "is that Jackie Chan or Jet Li? I can't tell, I've never seen a real Asian before, and they all look alike..."

Anyways, about Dani, I say him demanding a raise is not out of the question. I agree that the club is more important than a player but someone like Dani is a vital part of the club. Lot of you will agree that he is somewhat irreplaceable, especially the way he syncs so well with Messi. I say give him what he wants and keep this team going. It's not a good time to break the team down.
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New member
Not a fair comparison because Wal-Mart normally put 'handicapped' people as door greeters. Could be they were just wall-eyed or had mental issues.


Senior Member
Luckily, I didn't have problems with racism when I went to Spain. People in fact thought I was Spanish :) The country though, at least from my experiences, that had the most racism was definitely Russia. Russians are the most racist people I've met in my life.

OOPS forgot this was the Dani Alves thread .


"Because i`m black?" :lol: I am sorry just had to add this up....
I would kill anyone i see insulting our danny that way ! :banghead:


New member
Tito on Alves – “We are talking about, no doubt, the best right back in the world and it is normal that the big European teams are interested in him. We, as coaches, no doubt, want him to stay at Barca and I’m sure this issue will end well. Dani has every right in the world to defend his interests and fight for the agreement he thinks fair. I also understand the club, and I’m sure they will make the effort necessary to keep Dani with us.”


Staff member
I think Dani was our MoM in Gijon. Relentless attacking runs, applying pressure, tackling... Really needs to sign that contract as soon as possible.


Active member
fucking aweful first half, but which one of our players wasn't?

he had great runs but failed to produce a pass in the end

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