Daniel Alves


Senior Member
ESPN in 10 years running a column "Where are they now?" on 2009 FC Barcelona squad...

Dani Alves turned himself in probably not knowing or remembering there is more evidence than just that girl's statements.

Yup, it seems he is either an idiot or was intoxicated , to come back to Spain after doing what he did (if he indeed did it, which seems likely).
Could have taken the Robinho route and stayed in Brazil, but good for the victim that he went back.


Senior Member
So far:

Alves has changed his statement several times, initially claiming he didn't know who she was, then claiming they had consensual sexual relations together, then claiming it was her who forced him on top of her and not him.

The woman for her part has allegedly given a very consistent and coherent statement and not changed anything she said. She has also rejected the possibility of taking any financial compensation as she wants justice for what she claims he has done.

CCTV footage proves that Alves lied in his initial statements and that he did go into the toilet she was in, traces of semen were found in the same toilet, whilst fingerprints were also found confirming their presence there. The woman also went to hospital a few days after the attack for an examination where injuries consistent with forced penetration were noted. Witnesses at the disco also apparently back up her story but it is not clear how currently. For all these reasons the Catalan police have considered her statement highly credible.

Also, the duration of which they were in the toilet was 16 minutes, 47 seconds was the difference between the time they left.

Unfortunately this case seems pretty cut and dry. There is very solid proof that he followed her into the toilet, traces of semen were found inside it, she is examined days later and confirmed to have injuries related to **** attack, Alves has changed his version of events three times whilst she has had the same story throughout and been as cooperative as possible with police.

I always thought Alves was a tad retarded

Barto W


Senior Member
Yup, it seems he is either an idiot or was intoxicated , to come back to Spain after doing what he did (if he indeed did it, which seems likely).
Could have taken the Robinho route and stayed in Brazil, but good for the victim that he went back.

he was a fool for coming back to Spain, regardless if he did anything wrong or not, must have felt he was untouchable


Senior Member
If women were actually receive severe punishment for perjury, which they should, there would be lot lot less of these cases. Our society treat women like innocent toddlers, who have no responsibility for their actions and many take advantage of this.

In reality, our society has been treating women like third class citizens with husbands beating and abusing them and not believing accusations like that of Alves, for far too long.
A few gold diggers who take advantage of such events, doesn't justify us being dismissive or suspicious of all allegations.

Punishment for lying about such things should be severe, no doubt, but there have been so many cases that are true compared with those that aren't, it shouldn't be the main talking point.

It's a really sensitive issue to make judgment without knowing everything and until now, Alves doesn't look innocent.


Senior Member
Yeah, from description above he looks guilty. Then again you are completely off the mark about treatment of women, especially before the law. "Our society" as in comparison to other societies? Women are more vulnerable, because physically weak, but they routinely get off the hook for something like car accident manslaughter. What did the lying bitch that accused Kavanaugh get for her crime? Nothing but praises. Should've been rotting in jail for 10 years at least.
Anyhow, Alves, wtf man. How can these billionaires get so retarded, when can get a fucking harem, if wanted.


Flair Trait
While I believe he is practically making himself lose this case all on his own. I highly doubt he just followed a girl into a toilet to **** her with zero consent. 99% she asked him to follow her and bang her, basically. From reading it it doesn't seem there was a camera INSIDE the toilet, correct me if I'm mistaken, but outside the toilet? I don't believe he is completely innocent but I don't believe he is completely guilty either, simply a silly man that hasn't been smart verses a smart girls that knows all the cracks of the law she can easily take advantage of.


Senior Member
While I believe he is practically making himself lose this case all on his own. I highly doubt he just followed a girl into a toilet to **** her with zero consent. 99% she asked him to follow her and bang her, basically. From reading it it doesn't seem there was a camera INSIDE the toilet, correct me if I'm mistaken, but outside the toilet? I don't believe he is completely innocent but I don't believe he is completely guilty either, simply a silly man that hasn't been smart verses a smart girls that knows all the cracks of the law she can easily take advantage of.

They diagnosed injuries on her body, and forced penetration (I suppose it means she had injuries and bleedings in the you-know-what area)
At that point how consensual can it be?

The information we have on this is pretty damning. CCTV footage, medical reports all supporting the testimony of the victim. And then Alves comes out and just flat out lies in multiple testimonies, I'd be really surprised if he walks away from this.
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Senior Member
They diagnosed injuries on her body, and forced penetration (I suppose it means she had injuries and bleedings in the you-know-what area)
At that point how consensual can it be?

The information we have on this is pretty damning. CCTV footage, medical reports all supporting the testimony of the victim. And then Alves comes out and just flat out lies in multiple testimonies, I'd be really surprised if he walks away from this.

If this is true then he's fuked (no pun intended)


Senior Member
Not a good idea to follow a women into a bathroom who you are not in a relationship with.

That's just asking for trouble- innocent or not.

Let's see how this plays out, doesn't look good though.


Active member
Isn't it weird how many players we grew up watching turned out to be huge POS? Can you even imagine what impact the whole Pique, Alves controversies and dramas would have had on the club if those happened in the 2010-15 era?

We were so lucky that the we had characters like Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Puyol who kept the image of Barcelona clean for so many years.


Senior Member
Isn't it weird how many players we grew up watching turned out to be huge POS? Can you even imagine what impact the whole Pique, Alves controversies and dramas would have had on the club if those happened in the 2010-15 era?

We were so lucky that the we had characters like Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Puyol who kept the image of Barcelona clean for so many years.

Why is Pique a POS and in the same sentence as Alves? As far as we know Shakira might also have cheated while away on tours. I'm surprised it even lasted that long between those two, the signs where there.

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