David Villa


Staff member
I don't think he'll renew. He's not exactly a die hard Barca fan, would have to take a pay cut and settle for being a sub.
Villa still has ambition in him and wants to play in Brazil next year and that could be a deciding factor for him to move somewhere where he'll get regular playing time.
If we sell him, I hope we get a replacement. We really could use someone like him. IMO, that is one of the best ways for us to counter parked buses, use Villa or someone like him to give us someone who can score besides Messi, as well as someone to take long shots. Remember how we owned Real's bus in the 2011 CL semi final? IMO, part of the reason we were able to do it was because we had 3 goal-threats up front: Villa, Messi and Pedro.
I know we need a CB and GK as well, but if we sell a few other players (Valdes, Afellay, Sanchez, etc) we should be able to pull it off.
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Senior Member
Would make no sense if Villa agrees to the renewal. I rather see him go somewhere where he would get regular playing time.


New member
Would make no sense if Villa agrees to the renewal. I rather see him go somewhere where he would get regular playing time.

I agree. His legacy will be linked to the Spanish National Team not Barcelona and sitting on the bench at Barca will hurt his chances to play for Spain.


New member
Does anyone else think Tottenham might end up being a better destination for Villa? Adebayor is doing his usual "stop trying after getting a contract" routine, Dempsey isn't working like they hoped, and Defoe is limited (I like him, but he obviously is way below Villa). Meanwhile, Arsenal still have Giroud, Podolski, and Walcott (latter two can/want to play striker). Based on the past few years (not overall history), Villas-Boas is a better manager tactically than Wenger. Of course, the ultimate factor would be the Champions League. If Tottenham makes it and Arsenal doesn't, I'm not sure why he'd want to go to Arsenal.


The Culest
Does anyone else think Tottenham might end up being a better destination for Villa? Adebayor is doing his usual "stop trying after getting a contract" routine, Dempsey isn't working like they hoped, and Defoe is limited (I like him, but he obviously is way below Villa). Meanwhile, Arsenal still have Giroud, Podolski, and Walcott (latter two can/want to play striker). Based on the past few years (not overall history), Villas-Boas is a better manager tactically than Wenger. Of course, the ultimate factor would be the Champions League. If Tottenham makes it and Arsenal doesn't, I'm not sure why he'd want to go to Arsenal.

Tottenham would want another agening striker like Defoe. They're after Leandro Damiao


New member
I don't want to sound like a douche, but from an extra-EPL perspective, Tottenham is a completely irrelevant club. I wouldn't want Villa there.


New member
If they qualify for CL they will be more relevant than Arsenal

In the context of a single season, yes. But apart from that, hardly. Arsenal is one of the most famous and most successful clubs in English football, the one who plays the CL regularly, the one who even reached the final in the recent history. Tottenham Hotspur is the one that people who are not football fans probably haven't even heard of. It's a caricature, but anyways, for a player of Villa's caliber it's more logical to go to a big club with an established reputation.


Senior Member
Villa spends much of his time on the bench, way below Alexis and Pedro in the pecking order and is often forgotten by the MNG right after a good performance , and we are thinking of renewing his contract? Let the man leave so he can play his football.

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