David Villa


New member
Villa's job was to play up top, occupy the defense and create space for Messi and company. He did not get the ball much because he was up top and well defended. Tactically Villa was never going to see much of the ball but if he does he was likely going to score.


Senior Member
Villa's job was to play up top, occupy the defense and create space for Messi and company. He did not get the ball much because he was up top and well defended. Tactically Villa was never going to see much of the ball but if he does he was likely going to score.

Yup. Some people don't understand tactics. When Messi has been playing in the CF position, off the shoulder of the CBs (the first 15 minutes of most games this season), he has gotten as little service as David (maybe less, because, unlike Villa who makes runs, Messi is incredibly static up front without the ball). Messi only sees the ball when he drops back to mid ("false nine"). The coaching staff (and Messi) have finally come around to see it is more effective to use Villa (or Sachez or Pedro) to occupy that position and pin the CBs, giving Messi more room to attack.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Villa is after messi our best finisher, but he isnt really a bus breaker he has not the speed and not the technique to do much damage. If he has freedom and room he will score but its only if and we rarely have much space..
you have to only be good position wise up top which he is and are you sure technique is the correct word you were looking for? Villa's technique is pretty good. He is a clinical finisher as well. What gets him into trouble, atleast with this Barcelona side, is his lack of physicality. He doesn't fall over like some of our other players but he does get lost amid the giant CBs in Europe at times. That's why he sometimes appears anonymous.


This morning's training:


Does D Villa want another broken leg or something??? :facepalm:


New member
DavidVillano1: :lol: you're nearly as biased about 1 player as myself!
No idea how you can say I'm biased when I clearly said he didn't have enough touches and it wasn't good enough.

Unlike yourself I can criticise a player when he doesn't perform to a good standard, you're unable to do that with Cesc and will say anything and ignore valid points when Cesc gets slated.

At least I don't make up nonsense such as ' x player only had three touches' like some on here do.

What did I say that was wrong or biased? Are you saying Villa doesn't make numerous runs off the ball and in behind? Are you suggesting Barcelona often play the ball in behind or play to Villa's strengths? Villa shouldn't play through the middle and Cesc should?

Anybody who has watched Villa regularly throughout his career will understand what I'm stating and at least some on here understand what Villa brings and his off the ball movement creates space.


New member
Only a serious fanboy defends his idol with such a childish reply.
So I'm a 'fanboy' because I made a sarcastic post in reply to someone who made up lies about how many touches Villa had in one game?

Even-though before that I said he didn't have a good enough game and pointed out he had less touches than everyone(including Valdes)....

Yeh that makes a lot of sense. :lol::lol:


You can be a fanboy and criticise your idol. There's nothing bad about being a fanboy, you don't have to feel offended if you're viewed as one.


No idea how you can say I'm biased when I clearly said he didn't have enough touches and it wasn't good enough.

Unlike yourself I can criticise a player when he doesn't perform to a good standard, you're unable to do that with Cesc and will say anything and ignore valid points when Cesc gets slated.

At least I don't make up nonsense such as ' x player only had three touches' like some on here do.

What did I say that was wrong or biased? Are you saying Villa doesn't make numerous runs off the ball and in behind? Are you suggesting Barcelona often play the ball in behind or play to Villa's strengths? Villa shouldn't play through the middle and Cesc should?

Anybody who has watched Villa regularly throughout his career will understand what I'm stating and at least some on here understand what Villa brings and his off the ball movement creates space.

BTW DavidVillano1: I wasn't having a go at you at all. Us fanboys should stick together ;)
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New member
You can be a fanboy and criticise your idol. There's nothing bad about being a fanboy, you don't have to feel offended if you're viewed as one.
Was under the impression you were suggesting I was a fanboy that was biased, because you quoted my post asking how I was biased.

But this posts clears it up, it's all good. :D

BTW DavidVillano1: I wasn't having a go at you at all. Us fanboys should stick together ;)
I don't like the Irish or I would. ;)

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