David Villa


New member
yes its strange that suddenly he is doubtful, guess he will start nevertheless and they dont want to say in which area his problems are!


New member
Yeah in his defence there was no conviction in our passing tonight and thus he got little to no service.

It needed someone to make something happen, which it took Messi to come on to do. Cesc, Villa and Pedro were totally useless until Messi came on.


New member
You gotta feel for Villa though, it must be painful for a striker playing for a team who rely on Dani Alves to provide balls into the box. I bet he just sees alves and thinks 'oh god another useless cross that will miss me by 5 miles.' :lol:


The Culest
He tried but couldnt create chances by himself. In his defence he got no service. But as soon as Messi came on our attack looked dangerous. Messi and Villa together work well with Villa as CF and Messi behind him. Maybe the management didnt trust Cesc to play behind Villa like Messi does. Maybe they thought he would lose the ball too much. Players like Cesc Alexis Villa Pedro not creating magic is a lot down to our system also which is completely Messi Centric.


New member
Maybe the management didnt trust Cesc to play behind Villa like Messi does.

How did they play then? Cesc's movement was all over the place, that's right, but Villa up front with Cesc behind and Pedro to the left was what they were playing, I thought?


New member
He did do alright. But I think he needs Messi to be at his best. The play Pedro scored from was created by Messi and Villa.

Don't think we should have gone with Cesc honestly. I think Alexis in Messi's role would have been better because he could dribble at defenders and draw them in and free up Villa.

But he worked with what he had. Goals will come. Its our defense that really needs some sorting.


The Culest
How did they play then? Cesc's movement was all over the place, that's right, but Villa up front with Cesc behind and Pedro to the left was what they were playing, I thought?

In theory what u think is true but if u observe Villa was hugging the touchline a lot more in this match unlike the Milan game where he was in the center 90% of the time. I think Tito thought that Cesc cant dribble/beat defenders like Messi to give a throughball to Villa or Pedro So they pushed Cesc higher up the pitch to provide more presence in the box (Cesc, Villa, Pedro) for Alves to whip in crosses.

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